Key Majors Flashcards
Both major ___ & minor ___
have F sharp.
G major & E minor
Both major ___ & minor ___
Have no flats.
C major & A minor
Both major ___ & minor ___
have F & C sharp.
D Major & B Minor
Hint: Db Major has 5 b’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 3 sharps (F & G & C).
A major or F# minor
Hint: Ab Major has 4 b’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 4 sharps (G, F, B, C)
E Major and C# Minor
Hint: Eb Major has 3 #’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 5 sharps. (G, F, D, C, A)
B Major G# Minor
Hint: Bb Major has 2 b’s
a-“B”-ive in the clouds
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 6 sharps (G,F, E, D,C,A)
F# Major D# Minor
Hint: F Major is F “one” y
? Both major ___ & minor ___
have 7 sharps (G, F, E, D, B, C, A)
C# Major A# Minor
Hint: Conversely will be Cb only with all 7 notes being sharps.
Both major ___ & minor ___
has only B flat.
F Major
Hint: Get your F# Major is your F “ix”.
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 2 flats (E & B)
Bb Major
Hint: B Major has 5 #’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 3 flats (E, B, A)
Eb Major
Hint: E Major has 4 #’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 4 flats (E, D, A, B)
Ab Major
Hint: it’s A Major at 3 in #’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 5 flats (E, D, B, A, G)
Db Major
Hint: D Major has 2 #’s
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 6 flats (E, D, C, B, A, G)
Gb Major
Hint: like a G6
Both major ___ & minor ___
have 7 flats.
Cb Major
Hint: Conversely will be C# only with all 7 notes being sharps.
r2D2 How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
D Major has 2 sharps
“F-one-y” How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
F Major has 1 flat
Get you “F-ix” How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
F# Major has 6 sharps
Ke$ha sings flat like a G6. How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
Gb Major has 6 flats
“D-ive” How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
Db Major has 5 flats
“K-even” sharps or flats. How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
Cb or C# both have 7 sharps & flats
“Looks like 1/2 of the number zero.” How many sharps or flats?
Major or Minor?
C Major has 0 sharps or flats
“A-ll-FOUR-none…” Sharp or flat?
Major or Minor?
Ab Major has 4 flats
“b-Ee-threer” Sharp or flat?
Major or Minor?
Eb Major has 3 flats
“A trio” Sharp or flat?
Major or Minor?
A Major has 3 sharps
“a-B-ive in the sky.” Sharp or flat?
Major or Minor?
B Major has 5 sharps
“b-E4” Sharp or flat?
Major or Minor?
E Major has 4 sharps
“Two-B-or-not-2B (Shakespeare was a real “downer”)
Sharp or flat? Major or Minor?
Bb Major has 2 flats
“G-one” How many sharps or flat?
Major or Minor?
G Major has 1 sharp