Key Legislation and Guidance Flashcards
What is key regulations and RICS guidance on PI can you name?
- RICS regulation - Profesional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2021
- RICS guidance note - Risk, liability and Insurance 2021
What is the key proposal of the energy white paper?
Net zero emissions by 2050
What act applies to Estate agency for disposal of all property types?
Estate agency act 1979
What legislation related to equal opportunities?
Equality act 2010
What bribery legislation should you refer to when considering hospitality?
Bribery act 2010
What RICS guidance note relates to valuing development property?
RICS guidance note - valuation of development property 2019
What are the protection of bats legislation?
Wildlife and countryside act 1981
Conservation of habitats and species regulations 2017
What RICS H&S guidance should you refer to?
RICS guidance note - surveying safely; H&S principles for property professionals 2018 (2nd Edition)
What act introduced the rent act on tenants?
Rent act 1977 applies to certain leases before 1989
What act defines the polluter pays principle?
Environmental protection act 1990
When was asbestos banned and what act controls this?
White asbestos banned in 1999. Control of asbestos regulations 2012
What RICS guidance relates to place making?
RICS information paper - Placemaking and value 2016
What RICS guidance relates to disciplinary panels and appeals?
RICS regulation - disciplinary, registration and appeal panel rules
Which act liberalised CPO & sped up planning decisions, imposing objective of sustainable development on plan making authorities?
Planning and compulsory purchase act 2004
What is the RICS red book?
RICS valuation global standards 2020 (PS)
Which PS defines measurement of whole life cycle, operational and embodied carbon?
Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment 2017
What are the RICS rules of conduct papers?
RICS regulation - Rules of Conduct for members and firms 2020
When did lease accounting change?
IFRS introduced in Jan 19 means leases must be on balance sheet
What act introduced local plans and S106
Town and country planning act 1990
What RICS guidance note relates to remediation and other enviromental matters?
RICS guidance note - environmental risks and global real estate 2018
What regulation defines offences for treating consumers fairly?
Consumer protection from unfair trading regulations 2008
What act relates to information being accurate for vendor and agent?
Misrepresentation act 1967
What act relates to use of disclaimers in contracts?
Unfair contract terms act 1977
What act relates to fire safety
Fire safety order 2005
What is the RICS professional statement relating to Auctions?
RICS PS - Auctioneers selling real estate 2018
Which guidance relates to valuation of residential flats in multi storey buildings?
RICS guidance note - Valuation of properties in multi storey, multi occupancy residential buildings with cladding 2021
What legislation introduced MEES?
The energy efficiency (private rented property) England and Wales regulations 2015
What legislation introduced rights of light?
S62 of the Law and Property act 1925
Rights of light act 1959
Which RICS guidance relates to rights of light?
RICS guidance note - rights of light 2016
Which act defines prescription?
Prescription act 1832
When did the climate change levy rates change?
1st April 2021 climate change levy. U.K. wide tax on fuels for business and public sector.
What are the current RICS rules of registration ?
RICS regulation - rules for the registration of firms 2020
What 2 disciplinary regulations do you need to consider?
RICS regulation - disciplinary, registration and appeal panel rules 2019
RICS regulation - consultation of conduct and appeal committee rules 2019
Which RICS guidance covers client money handling?
RICS ps - client money handling 2019
What act relates for freedom of information?
Freedom of information act 2000
Part L of the building regulations is enforceable from when?
Part L conservation of fuel and power: jun 2022
What act defines liability period for PI and retention of files?
Limitation act 1980
Which act introduced GDPR?
Data protection act 2018
What legislation defines the reporting framework for firms?
Companies act 2006
What changes were recently made to part B of the building regulations?
Fire safety changes in November 2021.
Required sprinklers in buildings over 11m
Prohibit use of combustible materials on relevant buildings over 18m (Hackett reviews 2018)
What 2 conflict of interest papers are key?
RICS ps - conflict of interest 2017
RICS guidance note - conflict avoidance and dispute resolution on construction 2021
What is current NPPF?
February 2021
What acts have LPAs more flexibility with regard to finances and consulting communities?
Localism act 1990 - updated 2011
What replaced code for sustainable homes?
Technical housing standards 2015
Which act introduced CIL?
Planning act 2008; community infrastructure levy regulations 2010
Which act placed duty of LPAs to designate conservation areas and ensure conservation area context required for demonstration?
Planning listed building & conservation act 1990
When we’re CDM regulations updated?
April 2015
Name three pieces of money laundering regulations?
- 5th anti money laundering directive 2020
- Money laundering, terrorist financing and transfer of funds (information on the payer) regulations 2017
- Proceeds of crime act 2002
What RICS guidance relates to agency in commercial properties?
RICS ps U.K. commercial real estate agency 2016
What guidance for estate agents requires acting honestly, fair and transparently?
RICS ps - real estate agency and brokerage 2016
What is the U.K. real estate agency guidance?
RICS professional statement - U.K. residential real estate agency 2017
What rics guidance relates to retrofitting existing housing stock?
RICS policy provision paper: retrofitting to decarbonise existing housing stock 2020
What is the U.K. national supplement to the RICS red book?
RICS valuation global standards 2017: U.K. national supplement (effective from jan 2019)
What are the key dates for Paris and Kyoto protocols?
Kyoto: signed in 1997 and effective from 2005
Paris signed in 2015 and effective from 2016
What regulation governs approved adr mechanisms?
RICS regulation - adr mechanisms 2020
Which rics guidance relates to complaints handling?
RICS guidance note ‘complaints handling’ 2016
Which act introduced carbon budgets and limits greenhouse gas emissions?
U.K. climate change act 2008
What is RICS paper for countering bribery and money laundering?
RICS ps - countering bribery and corruption, Money laundering and terrorise financing 2019
What is RIBA guidance for briefs?
RIBA plan of work 2020
Which regulation governs the use of the RICS logo?
RICS regulation - rules for the use of the RICS logo and designation by firms 2020
What are the key dates for MEES?
April 2018: new resi and commercial leases require minimum E rating
April 2019: landlords spend £3.5k if not epic E rated
April 2020: existing residential leases must be E even if no change in tenancy
April 2023: existing commercial leases E
What is current property measurement guidance?
RICS professional statement ‘Property measurement” 2018
Which RICS guidance relates to comparable evidence?
RICS guidance note - comparable evidence in real estate valuation 2019
Which act placed duty of employers to ensure safety of their employees?
Health and safety at work act 1974
When we’re UN sustainable development goals introduced and what RICS papers relate to them?
Introduced in 2015 to be achieved by 2030
RICS implementing the UN SDGs
RICS fostering the implementation of the SDGs in Land, construction, real estate and infrastructure.
What is RICS guidance surround planning viability?
Assessing viability in planning under the national planning policy framework 2019 for England (2021)
What are the minimum levels of indemnity in RICS regulation ‘professional indemnity insurance requirements’ 2020
Firm turnover previous year: £200,001
Min. Level of indemnity: £250k, £500k, £1,000,000
What is the guidance relating to valuation of new build homes?
RICS guidance note Valuation of individual new build homes 2019
What is legislation surrounding Adjudication?
Housing grants, construction and regeneration act 1996