Key Individuals And Their Roles And Major Beliefs Flashcards
What aided King George III’s popularity?
However, George’s strong defence of what he saw as the national interest and the prospect of long war with revolutionary France made him, if anything, more popular than before.
Explain King George III’s stance on the American Colonies
George’s direct responsibility for the loss of the colonies is not great. He opposed their bid for independence to the end, but he did not develop the policies (such as the Stamp Act of 1765 and the Townshend duties of 1767 on tea, paper and other products) which led to war in 1775-76 and which had the support of Parliament.
Explain John Adams’s political philosphy
Learned and thoughtful, John Adams was more remarkable as a political philosopher than as a politician. “People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity,” he said, doubtless thinking of his own as well as the American experience.
What did John Adams do in 1774?
In 1774, he served on the First Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. Adams became the first vice president of the United States and the second president.
He was also very supportive of American’s rights in the American Revolution
Who did John Adams go to in order to attempt to end the French and Indian War?
The French, however they would only accept terms with a bribe.
Give a basic idea of George Washington
George Washington was a leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and was the first to become U.S. president.
What idea did George Washington bring to the House of Burgesses?
In 1769, Washington introduced a resolution to the House of Burgesses calling for Virginia to boycott British goods until the Acts were repealed.
Describe a little about George Washington
George Washington was elected unanimously as President
He sided with peace in the French an British Wars.
He lead groups as President to enforce laws (whiskey rebellion in Pennsylvania)
Describe Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president (1801-09). He was also responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.
Who is the Author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What was Ben Franklin’s contributions to the Declaration of Independence?
Franklin was elected to the Second Continental Congress and worked on a committee of five that helped to draft the Declaration of Independence. Though much of the writing is Thomas Jefferson’s, much of the contribution is Franklin’s. In 1776 Franklin signed the Declaration, and afterward sailed to France as an ambassador to the Court of Louis XVI.
When did Ben Franklin discover electricity?
In the early 1750’s he turned to the study of electricity. His observations, including his kite experiment which verified the nature of electricity and lightning brought Franklin international fame.
What did Ben Franklin’s dad want him to be?
What is the famous quote from Thomas Paine?
“These are the times that try men’s souls.”
This simple quotation from Founding Father Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis not only describes the beginnings of the American Revolution, but also the life of Paine himself.
What is special about “The American Crisis”?
It helped inspire the Continental Army during the American Revolution