Key Family Policies Flashcards
The Marriage (Same sex couples) Act -2013
• allow same sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies
• allow same sex couples to marry in religious
ceremonies, where the religious organisation has ‘opted in’ to conduct such ceremonies and the minister of religion agrees
• protect those religious organisations and their representatives who don’t wish to conduct marriages of same sex couples from successful legal challenge
• enable married individuals to change their legal gender without having to end their marriage
Free Contraception 1961
• From 1961 doctors could prescribe the pill for free. • More widely available for all from 1974 when Family
Planning Clinics were allowed to give it out without prescription.
The Abortion Act 1967
This act meant that a doctor performing an abortion could no longer be prosecuted, so long as it was according to the following conditions.
▪ It must be carried out before viability (the time the foetus would be capable or survival). In 1967, this was 28 weeks (now 24 weeks).
▪ Two doctors must both agree that the abortion is lawful.
▪ These doctors must agree that continuing the pregnancy
would involve either (a) a risk to the life of the mother, (b) a risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the mother or existing children in the family or (c) a substantial risk that the child would be severely handicapped.
The Equal Pay Act
• It came into force in 1975.
The Child Support Act 1991
• Created the Child Support Agency from 1993.
• Now known as the Child Maintenance Service.
• “Each parent of a qualifying child is responsible for
maintaining him.”
The Divorce Act 1969
• It allowed divorce on the grounds of “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.”
• Divorce no longer could only be issued in London.
• (In 1984 the time was changed from a minimum of 3
years of marriage to 1 year – if one partner is at fault).
The Civil Partnership Act 2004
• It enabled same-sex couples to have a civil partnership. • This allows them to have the same legal rights as a
married couple, such as inheritance tax, next of kin rights and life insurance recognition.
Most benefits limited to 2 children, for those born after
6th April 2017
• Universal Credit/Child Tax Credits limited to 2 children for any other children born after this date (basically any benefits for being out of work or on a very low income)
• Exemptions are made for multiple pregnancies and cases of rape.
• Child benefit is NOT affected by this.
• Parents are expected to be looking for work by the time
their youngest child turns 3.
30 hours free childcare for ages 3+ September
• Only available if both parents are working and earning the equivalent of 16 hours on minimum wage.
The Benefits Cap April 2013
• This brought in a top limit of the amount of benefit that a family can receive in total. It was £26,000, intended to reflect an average wage.
• This was reduced further in November 2016 to £20,000 for a couple (with or without children) or a single person with children.
Staying in Education until age 18 2015
Young people must do one of the following until they turn 18:
• stay in full-time education, for example at a college
• start an apprenticeship or traineeship
• spend 20 hours or more a week working or
volunteering, while in part-time education or training
Changes in the definition of Domestic Violence
March 2013
• Domestic violence now includes psychological abuse (controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour).
• It now includes 16-17 year olds, not over 18s only.
The Children’s Act 1989
• Section 47 gives local authorities a ‘duty to investigate’ where there is suspicion that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.
Shared Parental Leave April 2015
• Up to 50 weeks of leave - 37 weeks of which is paid - can be shared by parents if they meet certain eligibility criteria.
• Mothers must still take the initial two weeks after birth, but they can then cut their maternity leave short and exchange it for shared parental leave.
• Both parents will then have a flexible choice of how to split up the rest of the leave entitlement - of up to 50 weeks.
Civil Partnerships allowed for mixed-sex couples
December 2019
Ms Steinfeld and Mr Keidan campaigned for four years to get the law changed.
The couple said the “legacy of marriage… treated women as property for centuries” and was not an option for them.
“We want to raise our children as equal partners and feel that a civil partnership - a modern, symmetrical institution - sets the best example for them,” they added.
Section 28 - the promotion of homosexuality
(It was abolished in 2003)
brought in to “prohibit
by local authorities”
Adoption laws changed
to give same-sex couples and unmarried couples the right to adopt
Changes to divorce law (Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020).
April 2022
Couples can jointly claim for divorce and there is no need to attribute fault.