Key Definitions Flashcards
The gradual reduction of pH of the oceans, due to dissolving carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Planting trees and vegetation in the aim of increasing forest cover
Burning crops and vegetation for electricity and heat
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
The capture of carbon dioxide emissions directly from the factory, pumped into disused mines rather than being released into the atmosphere
Carbon fluxes
The movement of carbon between stores
Carbon neutral
A process that has no net addition of carbon dioxide to the environment
Carbon stores
Places where carbon accumulates for a period of time such as rocks and plant matter
The process of burning a substance, in the presence of oxygen, to release energy
The break down of matter, often by a decomposed which releases carbon dioxide through their own respiration
Energy mix
The composition of a country’s energy sources
Energy security
The ownership and full control of a country’s energy source, production and transportation
Energy pathway
The movement of energy from its extraction or source, through pipes, freight logistics or cabling
Energy players
Key companies and individuals who own, distribute and sell energy and energy sources
Enhanced greenhouse effect
The build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, reducing the amount of warm water in the equatorial pacific
Inorganic carbon
Carbon stored in carbonated rocks
Non renewable
A source of energy that can only be used once to generate electricity or takes thousands of years to replace e.g. fossil fuels
Nuclear fusion
The process of joining atomic nuclei together, to produce energy
Oil and petroleum exporting countries. An organisation that supports and coordinates fossil fuel exporting countries
Organic carbon
Carbon stored in plant material and living organisms
The release of dissolved carbon dioxide
The process of converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. All plants and some organisms rely on this process to survive
Small organisms that rely on photosynthesis to survive, so intake carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Primary energy
The initial source of energy, as it is naturally found. This could be natural ores, water, crops or radioactive material
Primary energy that can be reused to produce electricity or has a short lifetime, therefore any used can be replaced quickly e.g. solar, wind
The process of converting glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide and energy. Some organisms rely on respiration to survive
Secondary energy
The product of primary energy, mostly electricity
The transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to stores elsewhere - living biosphere, inorganic rocks etc…