What happened in January 1905?
‘Bloody Sunday’ Massacre leads to revolutionary upheavals.
What happened in October 1905?
The St Petersburg Soviet is formed; the Tsar’s October Manifesto authorises elections to a Sate Duma.
What happened in April 1906?
The Fundamental Laws reaffirm the autocracy.
What took place between 1906-11?
A programme of agrarian reform is attempted.
What took place between 1906-15?
Four State Dumas meet but their influence is controlled.
What took place in 1912?
Lena Gold Fields Massacre - renewed industrial unrest.
What took place in 1914?
First World War begins.
When was the assassination attempt on Lenin?
30th August 1918.
When was the Comintern established?
March 1919.
When did the Tambov Revolt happen?
Autumn 1920 to March 1921.
When was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
March 1918.