KEY DATES Flashcards
When did Kaiser Wilhelm abdicate?
Nov 1918
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
When was the DAP (German Worker’s Party) formed?
5th Jan 1919
When did Hitler join the DAP?
Feb 1919
The DAP changed its name: what to and when?
Feb 1920
National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDP) aka Nazi Party
What did the NSDP announce at its first meeting?
A 25 point programme
When does Hitler become leader of NSDP?
July 1921
When is the SA formed? What is it?
Nov 1921
‘Stormtroopers’ - party militia
When was the Munich Putsch?
Nov 1923
What was the Munich Putsch?
Attempt to overthrow the Bavarian government by NSDP, FAILED + leaders arrested and charged with treason
When was Hitler’s trial?
Feb 1924: sentenced to 5 years but only served 10 months - he wrote Mein Kampf in this time
When was the SS formed?
April 1925: ‘Black Shirts’, initially Hitler’s bodyguards
When was the Hitler Youth formed?
July 1926
When was the first Nazi Party Rally?
20th August 1927: NUREMBURG RALLY
Great Depression?
How did the Hitler Youth develop?
During 1930: Hitler Youth junior branches established - Deutches Jungvolk for boys aged 10 - 14 and the Bund Deautscher Madel for girls aged 10 - 18
What did the Nazi Party gain in September 1930?
18.3% of the vote in the Reichstag elections (SECOND LARGEST PARTY)
When was Hitler made CHANCELLOR?
30th January 1933
What did the Nazis gain July 1932?
37.4% of the vote in the Reichstag elections (LARGEST PARTY)
When did Hitler define the Nazi foreign policy?
3rd February 1933
What was the Nazi Party foreign policy?
SECURING LEBENSRAUM (living space) for the German master race
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
Who started the Reichstag Fire?
Van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist
How many were arrested due to the Reichstag Fire?
4000 Communists or suspected Communists
What happened as a result of the Fire?
KPD, which was the second biggest party in the Reichstag, BANNED. As Communists are no more, Nazis have a majority in government
When was there a new election?
What did the Nazis gain in the 1933 Emergency election?
44% go the General election vote
When was the Enabling Act passed?
23rd March 1933!
What did the Enabling Act allow Hitler to do?
Make laws without consulting the Reichstag for a period of 4 years
When was the Gestapo formed?
26th April 1933
When did the Nazis take over local governments?
26th April 1933
When were Trade Unions banned?
2nd May 1933
When was the first book burning?
10th May 1933
How many books were burnt May 10th 1933?
25,000 ‘un-German’ books burned in an “action against the un-German Spirit”
What did the Nazis do 14th July 1933?
When did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations?
October 1933
What happened 30th June 1934?
What happened on the Night of the Long Knives?
150 leaders of SA executed, including Rohm.
Why did the NOLK happen?
SA had more socialist aims than the Nazi party wanted so Hitler eliminated them. They were rowdy and unpopular. They were also the only power that could oppose the Nazis (other than the army)
When did Hindenburg die?
2nd August 1934
What happened after Hindenburg died?
Hitler combined Chancellor and President to create Fuhrer
February 1935?
Hitler ordered Goering to establish the Luftwaffe - BREAKING THE TERMS OF VERSAILLES
When was conscription introduced?
March 1935 - Hitler wants to expand the army
When were the Nuremburg Laws introduced?
15th September 1935
What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Defined German citizenship. Relationships between Jews and Aryans BANNED
What did Hitler do in March 1936?
He sent German troops to re-occupy the Rhineland (BREAKING TREATY OF VERSAILLES (again)
1st August 1936
Hitler Youth made compulsory?
December 1936
Anschluss with Austria. Hitler made a triumphant entry into Vienna!
March 1938
Munich Agreement?
September 1938
November 1938
What was the Munich Agreement?
Allies agree that Germany can have the Sudentenland region of Czechoslovakia in return for peace
What followed Kristallnacht?
Jewish population fined for the destruction
When does Hitler invade and occupy Czechoslovakia?
March 1939 (against Munich Agreement)
31st March 1939
Nazi-Soviet Pact?
23rd August 1939
What was the Nazi-Soviet Pact?
Alliance between Hitler and Stalin which agreed to divide Poland between them
Anglo-Polish Common Defence Pact?
25th August 1939
When did Hitler invade and occupy Poland?
1st September 1939
When was war declared by Britain and France?
3rd September 1939
When were Denmark and Norway invaded and occupied?
April 1940
When were Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France invaded and occupied?
May 1940
When does the Battle of Britain begin?
Sept 1940
When was the Blitz abandoned by Hitler?
May 1941
22nd June 1941: 3 million German troops invaded Russia
Why does German progression in Russia halt?
RUSSIAN WINTER in December 1941
Pearl Harbour?
7th December 1941
When does Hitler declare war on US?
11th December 1941, following US’ declare of war on Japan (under terms of Anti-Comintern Pack)
Wannsee Conference?
20th January 1942
What was decided at Wannsee Conference?
German defeat at El Alamein in North America?
Nov 1942
German defeat at Stalingrad?
Feb 1943
First Allied bombing raid on German cities?
March 1943
D-Day? (Allied invasion of Normandy)
June 1944
July Bomb Plot to assassinate Hitler?
20th July 1944
When does Hitler commit suicide?
30th April 1945
When does Germany surrender?
2nd May 1945
When do the Nuremburg Trials start?
20th November 1945
When did the Death Camps come into fruition?
1942: Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka
How many Jews were killed?
6 million