Key Dates Flashcards
January 1066
King Edward the Confessor dies; Harold is crowned King of England.
September 1066
Harold defeats a Norwegian army at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire.
October 1066
William of Normandy defeats Harold at the Battle of Hastings.
December 1066
William crowned King of England in London on Christmas Day.
March 1067
Copsig, appointed Earl of Northumbria (Northumberland) by William, is murdered.
Autumn/winter 1067
William levies a new tax in the north.
December 1067
Gospatrick is appointed Earl of Northumbria by William
Summer 1068
The revolt quickly collapses when William marches north; York surrenders to William: Gospatrick flees to Scotland.
Another rebellion in the North. William’ s newly appointed Earl of Northumbria, Robert Commines, is murdered and the rebels take York but the city is swiftly retaken by William
Autumn 1069
King Swein of Denmark invades, sails up the Humber and burns York: he returns to Denmark after being paid off by William.
Winter 1069-70
The Harrying of the North: William lays waste to Yorkshire, and parts of Staffordshire and Cheshire
Famine in Yorkshire.
Summer 1070
An invasion of northern England by King Malcolm of Scotland is defeated: William leads a military campaign in Scotland
The Scots submit to William and sign the Treaty of Abernathy
A Danish fleet sacks York
King Malcolm breaks his treaty with William to raid Northumbria.
A rebellion in Northumbria is violently suppressed by William’s brother Odo: William’s son, Robert, carries out a military campaign against the Scots, who come to terms.
Domesday Book compiled
The death of William I. William II ‘Rufus’ becomes King of England