key concepts ww2 Flashcards
National Socialism
The ideas and politics of Hitler and his party.
Treating people unequally because of their background and race.
Treating someone unequally.
Adolf Hitler’s official title.
Treaty of Versailles
The peace treaty signed after WWI (June 1919) by the alliance and Germany.
An intentional action to destroy a certain group of people.
The time that the Netherlands was occupied by Germany (between 1940 and 1945).
Everything the people of a country think and do is controlled by the state.
Influencing people to take on certain strong ideals.
The German communists that tried to seize power during a revolution (1918-1919).
Stab in the back myth
A (fake) myth that Germany lost WWI because of the new government and the left winged uprisings.
Weimar Republic
What Germany was called between 1919 and 1933. During this time Germany was a republic with a democratic constitution.
Reparation payments
The money that the Treaty of Versailles ordered Germany to pay to the allied forces.
When money loses its worth.
The United States’ plan to support the German economy by lending them money (1924.)
Treaty of Locarno
A treaty from 1925 between Germany, France and Belgium. In it Germany recognized the boundaries set in the Treaty of Versailles.
Wall street crash 1929
The collapse of the stock exchange market on Wall Street, New York in 1929.
Abbreviation of Hitler’s political party.
Being fond of your own country.
A powerful authority.
No democracy.
National-Socialists, Nazi’s
A name given to supporters of the NSDAP and Hitler.
Everything you do to try and gain followers.
Chancellor of Germany
Leader of the German government.
Reichstag fire
A fire in the Reichstag building in February of 1933.
Enabling act
A law made by the German government in 1933 that stated that the government could create laws without the parliament’s approval.
Everything the people of a country think and do is controlled by the state.
The laws on how Germans had to live made by the Nazis.
Adopting the ideas the Nazis spread.