Key Concepts in SM Flashcards
Means of enabling value co creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve
Configuration of resources created by organization that will be potentially valuable for their customer. Not always visible
Set of specialized organizational capabilities for enabling value for customers in the form of services
Service Management
Provisioning service
Helps service consumer achieve outcomes
Service provider
Receiving service
Service consumer
Defines Requirements and is Responsible for Outcome
Uses service
controls budget for service
Person or group of people that has its own function with responsibilities, authority, and relationships to achieve objectives with purpose to create value for stakeholders
Tangible or intangible Deliverable of an activity
RESULT for a stakeholder enabled by 1 or more outputs
PERCEIVED benefits, usefulness and importance of something
Money spent on an activity or resources
Possible event that could cause harm or loss or make it more difficult to achieve objectives
What a service does
How service performs
Fit for Use
Description of one or more services designed to address needs of a target consumer group
Service Offering
4 Dimensions of Service Management (with desc)
- Organization & people - roles & resp; capacity, authority, culture
- Information & technology - info necessary for mgmt of services and tech required
- Partners & Suppliers - relationships
- Value streams & processes - parts of org work together to enable value
Factors affecting 4 dimensions of Service Mgmt
Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal
Properly integrate services and suppliers
Service integrator
Set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs to outputs
describes how all components and activities of the organization work together as a system to enable value creation
Business Model
remove silos
Service Value System
- Guiding principles
- Governance
- Service Value Chain
- practices
- continual improvement
Recommendation that guides in all circumstances, regardless of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work or management structure
Guiding principles
Guiding Principle
Everything the organization does needs to map, directly or indirectly, to value for the stakeholders
Focus on Value
Guiding Principle
The current state should be investigated and observed directly to make sure it is fully understood
Understand what is available to leverage
Start Where you are
Guiding Principles
- Focus on Value
- Start Where you are
- Progress iteratively with feedback
- Collaborate and promote visibility
- Think and work holistically
- Keep it simple and practical
- Optimize and automate
Guiding Principles
Using feedback before, during and after each iteration will ensure that actions are focused and appropriate, even if circumstances change
Get off Duff
Progress iteratively with feedback
Guiding Principle
Working together across boundaries produces results that have greater buy-in, more relevance to objectives and better likelihood of long term success
Identify Bottlenecks and Excess Capacity
Collaborate & Promote Visibility
Guiding Principle
No service or element used to provide a service stands alone. the outcomes achieved by the SP and SC will suffer unless the org works on the service as a whole, not just its parts
Recognize complexity, collab, look for patterns, automate
Think & Work Holistically
Guiding principle
If a service, process, action or metric no longer provides value, eliminate.
Use minimum number of steps necessary to accomplish objective
always use outcome-based thinking to produce practical results
Only add controls and metrics when needed
Simplicity is the best route to achieving quick wins
Keep it simple and practical
Guiding principle
Resources of all types, specifically HR, should be used to their best effect. Eliminate anything that is truly wasteful and use tech to achieve whatever it is capable of. Human intervention should only happen when is really contributes value.
Optimize & Automate
Subset of SVS and has demand as an input and value realization as output
Operating Model
Service Value Chain
- Plan - understand vision
- Improve - initiated and managed
- Engage - provide transparency
- Design & transition - meet expectations; produce requirements
- Obtain / Build - new resources
- Deliver & Support - delivered services & change requests
Set of organizational resources designed for performing work or accomplishing an objective
To align the organization’s practices and services with changing business needs through the Ongoing Identification and Improvement of services, service components or any element involved in the efficient and effective mgmt of products and services
Development of improvement related methods
Continual Improvement
To Protect The Info needed by the org to conduct its business
Understanding and managing risks to confidentiality, integrity and availability of info
Information Security Management
to establish and Nurture Links between the organization and its stakeholders at strategic and tactical levels
Relationship Management
To ensure that the org’s suppliers and their performances are managed appropriately to support the Seamless Provision of Quality Products and Services
Supplier Management
to set clear Business-Based targets for service performance, so that the delivery of a service can be properly assessed, monitored and managed against these targets
Service Level Management
documented agreement between a service provider and customer that identifies both services required and expected level of service
Service Level Agreement
Practice To capture demand for incident resolution and service requests Entry point and SPOC Perception Broader org understanding
Service Desk
to minimize negative impact of incidents by Restoring Normal Service Operation As Quickly As Possible
Incident Management
Highest category of impact for an incident
Causes significant disruption
Major incident
to support the agreed quality of service by handling all predefined, user-initiated service requests in an effective and user-friendly manner
Service Request Management
request from a user’s or a user’s authorized rep that initiates a service action which has been agreed as a normal part of service delivery
service request
to systematically observe services and service components, and record and report Changes of State identified as events
Monitoring and Event Management
to reduce the likelihood and impacts of incidents by identifying actual and potential causes of incidents and managing workarounds and known errors
Root cause analysis
Problem Management
cause or potential cause of one or more prior, current or future incidents
a problem that has been analyzed but has not been resolved
known error
solution that reduces or eliminates the impact of an incident or problem for which full resolution is not yet available
to maximize the number of successful IT changes by ensuring that the risks have been properly assessed authorizing changes to proceed, and managing the change schedule
Change enablement
the addition, modification or removal or anything that could have a direct or indirect effect on services
person or group responsible for authorizing change
change authority
to plan and manage the full lifecycle of all IT assets, to help the org maximize value, control costs, manage risks, meet regulatory and contractual requirements and support decision making about purchase, reuse and retirement of assets
IT Asset Management
any Valuable component that can contribute to the delivery of an IT product or service
IT asset
to ensure that accurate and reliable info about the configuration of services, and the configuration items (CIs) that support them, is available when and where needed
Service Configuration Management
any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT service
configuration item
to make new and changed services Available For Use
Release Management
to move new or changed hardware, software, documentation, processes or any other components to live environments
Deployment Management