Key Concepts Flashcards
What is a DAGs?
Directed, Acyclic Graphs
What are Strongly Connected Components?
subsets of vertices in a directed graph such that there is a directed path from any vertex in the subset to every other vertex in the same subset.
What are Sources?
In a directed graph, a source is a vertex in a directed graph that has no incoming edges.
What are Sinks?
In a directed graph, a sink is a vertex in a directed graph that has no outgoing edges.
What are Trees?
is a specific type of undirected graph that is connected and acyclic.
In a directed graph, each vertex, except the root, has one incoming edge (from its parent) and may have multiple outgoing edges (to its children). The tree will be acyclic.
What is a MST?
MST is Minimum Spanning Tree. a connected, undirected graph is a tree that spans all the vertices of the graph, with the minimum possible total edge weight
What are Flow Networks?
is a directed graph in which each edge has a capacity and a flow
In runtime, O(m+n), what does m signify and what does n signify?
m signify edges
n signify vertices
In runtime O(C m), what does C signify?
Size of the max flow
What algorithm does Ford-Fulkerson use internally?
What black-box algorithms do SCC use internally?
What algorithm does Edmond-Karp use internally?
Why would use Djistra’s over Belman Ford and Floyd Warshall?
Dijkstra’s are more efficient for postive weights only.
Why would use Belman Ford and Floyd Warshall over Djikstra’s?
Bellman Ford and Floyd Warshall works on negative weights, whereas Djikstra’s does not.
Why would you use Floyd Warshall over Bellman Ford?
Floyd Warshall is good for finding shortest path from all vertices, whereas Bellman Ford is only good for finding shortest path from 1 vertex.