Key Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
What is the belief in a monotheistic God?
That there’s only one God.
What are the 3 natures of God?
He’s omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient.
What does omnibenevolent mean?
What does omnipotent mean?
What does omniscient mean?
What is the belief of the Trinity?
The Trinity shows that there are 3 parts to God (the father, the son and the Holy Spirit) thought they all come together as one and are not separate.
Why is the crucifixion of Jesus important to Christians?
Human beings choose to go their own way and ignore god and all humans beings are born this way (original sin) and we are essentially inclined to selfishness and greed. This means we no longer have a proper relationship with God - we no longer think about God, but only ourselves and consequently we do not deserve a life after death in heaven. God becoming man and being killed is a huge sacrifice, big enough to accommodate all the sins mankind has ever committed. This restored our relationship with God so Jesus’ death ‘atoned’ for our sins and after death we can be with God in heaven because the relationship has been restored.
What is the belief of original sin?
When Eve disobeyed God, sin was first brought into the world and everyone has the original sin inside of them.
What does salvation mean?
It means being saved and Christians believe Jesus saved us.
What is atonement?
Restoring the relationship between humans and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
What do fundamentalist christians believe about the creation story?
They believe the story is literally true.
What do liberal christians believe about the creation story?
They believe that it’s an allegory - it was never intended to be literally true but it contains certain truths about God.
What does it mean by God is transcendent?
This means that God is apart from the rest of creation. God is beyond the universe; he knows everything that is going on, but is not a part of it.
What is ascension?
The event 40 days after resurrection when Jesus returned to God the Father in heaven.
What is evangelism?
Preaching of the faith in order to convert people to christianity.
What are food-banks?
Foodbanks provide emergency food, help and support to people in the UK. They bring religious and non-religious people together to help the community.
What are street pastors?
They help prevent anti-social behaviour or crime, listen to people’s problems and help those in need e.g. contact emergency services.
What is reconciliation?
One of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It means restoring harmony.
What is worship?
The way Christians show their deep love, reverence and respect for God.
What is liturgical worship?
A service which follows a set pattern.
What is non-liturgical worship?
A service which doesn’t follow a set pattern.
What is informal worship?
Spontaneous and charismatic worship. it’s also non-liturgical.
What is private worship?
Allows individuals to spend time with God privately.
What is a sacrament?
An external and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace.
Whats eucharist?
A type of ritual (holy communion) with bread and wine.
What is a pilgrimage?
A journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons.