Key Aspects Flashcards
Narrative Codes
Story telling- the way different elements in a story are organised to make it meaningful - Features of the narrative that appeal to a certain group
Narrative Structure
The way the story or plot unfolds
Representation is how media texts deal with and present gender, age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and events to an audience. Media texts have the power to shape an audience’s knowledge and understanding about these important topics.
Selection Representations
This refers to what has been selected to include in a media text.
Ideology Representations
These are ideas and beliefs, held by media producers, which are often represented in their media texts.
Construction Representations
This is the way a media text is put together. In a film or television programme this includes the editing and choice of camera angles, in a magazine or newspaper it includes the layout and writing as well as the choice of images.
Literal description e.g. the dress is coloured flame-red
To explain the meanings of the codes (symbolic) e.g. the red of the dress suggests sex
A series of camera shots which tend to present ideas rather than simple action
Action code
An event within the narrative which acts is catalyst for subsequent events
Cultural code
A code which is understood within a cultural context e.g. dress, speech
Technical code
A code which is created through the use of technology e.g. camerawork, editing, lighting, soundtrack
When two or more signs are used together to make the meaning clear
The polysemy of codes is the overall understanding of the signs in a text
Diegesis / diegetic
Sound that comes from the story itself
Non Diagetic
Music/ Sound effects that are added to the editing
The questions to which the audience wants to know the answer