Addresses and is fully and legally responsible for the operation and performance of the organization. This can be done directly or by appropriate professional delegation.
How often must the governing body meet?
must meet at least annually and keep minutes or other records as may be required for the orderly conduct of the organization.
How must credentials be verified?
Credentials must be verified according to the procedures established in bylaws, rules and regulations. Provisions must be made for expeditious processing of applications for clinical privileges.
What is the three phase process to assess and validate qualifications to provide services?
- Establish minimum training, experience, and other requirements for physicians and other healthcare professionals
- Establish a process to review, assess, and validate an individual’s qualifications, including education, training, experience, certification, licensure, and any other competence-enhancing activities against the organization’s established minimum requirements
- Carries out review, assessment, and validation outlined in the organization’s description of the process
What is the governing body required to do?
- establish and is responsible for a credentialing and reappointment process and applying criteria uniformly to all individuals who provide patient care
- approve mechanisms for credentialing, reappointment, and granting of privileges, suspending or terminating clinical privileges, including provisions for appeal of such decisions
- either directly or by delegation, make initial appointment, reappointment, and assignment or curtailment of clinical privileges based on peer evaluation (must be consistent with state law)
- have specific criteria for initial appointment and reappointment of physicians and dentists
- make provisions for expeditious processing of clinical privileges applications
What information must be monitored on an ongoing basis?
date sensitive information such as licensure, professional liability insurance (if required), certifications, DEA registrations, and other such items, where applicable,
What does it mean to monitor on an ongoing basis?
Appointment, Expiration, Reappointment
True or False: An organization can grant appointment or privileges based solely upon the fact that another organization allowed privileges
False. The organization has its own independent process of credentialing and privileging that includes review and approval by the governing body.
Appointment or privileges may not be approved solely on the basis that another organization, such as a hospital, took such action, although this information can be used in consideration of the application.
When creating a process for initial appointment of an allied health professional, what should be taken in to account?
- state law
- evidence of education
- training
- experience
- competency
What is a CVO?
Credentials Verification Organization. A credentials verification organization (CVO) is an organization that gathers data and verifies the credentials of doctors and other health care practitioners. A CVO typically provides credentialing support to health plans and other entities providing health care services to consumers.
It is acceptable to use a CVO in facilitating privilege applications?
The use of a CVO is acceptable as long as there has been a proper assessment of capability and quality.
Is primary data source verification acceptable if provided by a third party?
Another health care organization, such as a hospital or group practice, that has carried out primary source or acceptable secondary source verification, provided it supplies directly, without transmission or involvement by the applicant or other third party, original documents or photocopies of the verification reports it has relied upon. A statement that it has performed verification is not sufficient.
True or False: Documents, Diplomas, certificates, or transcripts can be provided by the applicant.
FALSE. Documents, diplomas, certificates or transcripts provided directly by the applicant rather than by the primary or secondary source are not acceptable.
The hospital shall have a fair hearing plan for members of the Medical Staff and allied health practitioners. Individuals involved in Peer Review activities shall be impartial peers and shall not have an economic interest in and/or a conflict of interest with the subject of the Peer Review activity. Impartial peer would also exclude individuals with blood relationships, employer/employee relationships, or other potential conflicts that might prevent the individual from giving an impartial assessment, or give the appearance for the potential of bias for or against the subject of the Peer Review.
The fair hearing and appeal process may differ for members of the Medical Staff and nonmembers (Allied Health Practitioners). The fair hearing plan outlines the circumstances under which a practitioner may request (or waive) this mechanism:
• Denial.
• Modification or changes in appointment/reappointment category.
• Initial or re-granting of privileges with final review/action by the Governing Body.
Under which circumstances can a practitioner initiate a fair hearing or appeal?
- Denial of Privileges
- Modification or changes in appointment/ reappointment category.
- Initial or re-granting of privileges with final review/ action by the Governing Body
If a hospital has ten or more Doctor’s of Osteopathic Medicine who admit and manage patients.
What is the time frame for processing of applications per Standard 03.06.08?
A recommendation shall be made to the Medical Executive Committee (MEC) within 60 days of receipt of completed application. The recommendations of the Credentials Committee (function) will be based on individual practitioner’s qualifications and competency at the time the privileges are requested. All recommendations to the Medical Executive Committee (MEC) shall contain a delineation of the privileges to be extended to the applicant.
What is OPPE?
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation.
define Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Ongoing professional practice evaluation (OPPE) information is factored into the decision to maintain existing privilege(s), to revise existing privilege(s), and/or to revoke an existing privilege prior to or at the time of renewal.
Why is OPPE important?
To ensure the delivery of safe and competent care
What should be addressed by the Medical Staff in assessing OPPE?
- Reasons for ongoing professional practice performance evaluations
- Identification of performance indicators specific to each department of the medical staff
- Data collection methods
- Individual(s) responsible for data collection
- Sources of data, e.g., medical records
- Frequency of data collection
- Methods for evaluation and analysis of data
- Confidentiality and security of data
- Individuals that may access individual practitioner’s professional practice data
- Explanation that data will be used as a measure of competency and will be reviewed at time of reappointment to determine eligibility
- Evaluation of low volume practitioners
- Triggers for additional, focused monitoring Processes are established to ensure the confidentiality and security of the ongoing professional practice
The organized medical staff defines the circumstances requiring additional, focused monitoring and evaluation of a practitioner’s professional performance. The focused professional practice evaluation (FPPE) process is designed to be a fair, balanced, and
educational approach to ensure the competency of the staff. Focused professional practice evaluation (FPPE) is consistently implemented in accordance with the criteria and requirements defined by the organized medical staff.
Information specific to the applicant’s current licensure status, training, and current competence must be gathered by the hospital using a defined credentialing process that is based on ________ , approved by the ________ , and documented in _________.
medical staff recommendations
governing body
the medical staff bylaws
How are verifications to be accomplished?
Verification must be in writing and must come from the primary source, if possible, or from a CVO. (Note: Joint Commission also includes some designated equivalent sources that may be used in lieu of primary source.)
How should the practitioner’s identity be verified?
The provider must present in person and show a current picture hospital ID, or a valid state or Federal ID with a photo. this could include a driver’s license or passport.
True or False: The medical staff must actually review and analyze all relevant information received regarding current licensure status, training, experience, current competence, and ability to perform the requested privileges through a clearly defined process.