Key Flashcards
היכי דמי
what is the case
(Questioning the above case’s situation, trying to figure out how the case could be true.)
בעי ר
R. asked / required
(When preceed with a name it means he is asking a “What if” type of question)
let it stand
(A conclusion at the end of an inquiry question, saying the issue will not be resolved unitl Eliyahu comes)
what is the law
(An introduction or conclusion to a question in a hypothetical case)
It was stated
(Introduces a dispute between two Amoraim)
תא שמע
Come and learn
(Introduces a Tanaic or Biblical source as a proof or refute to a teaching)
מאי טעמא
What is the reason
(Asking for the reason for a particular law or opinion)
It is good
(Introduces a two part attack question. After בשלמא is what makes sense and after אלא is the case that is a problem)
(Support to an above teaching through the use of logic)
אי הכי
If so
(If what you just said is true, then the following difficulty is created)
The matter itself
(Introduces a previously quoted Mishna or Baraissa that the Gemara is now going to discuss in more detail)
הא גופא קשיא
The matter itself is a difficulty
(Introduces an implied contradiction between two parts of the same Tannaic source)
Since that
(Accepting what was just said to be true, a new difficulty arisses)
הכי קאמר
This is what he meant to say
(Presents a variation of waht was previously said because of a difficulty raised on the initial statement.)
תנו רבמן
The Rabbis taught
(Introduces a Baraissa.)
איכא דאמרי
There are those that say
(Presents a variation of what was said above.
Difference could be:
a) Who made the statement
b) The order the information was presented
c) A slight change with what was said resulting in a different halachik outcome
(Raises a difficulty with what was jkust said by quoting an equal source that states the opposite.)
איבעית אימא
If you want I could say
(Presents an alternative answer.)
And furthermore
(Introduces an additional question)
מאי איריא
What kind of choice is this
(Introduces a question of why a case was chosen when it seems to limit the scope of the halacha unnecessarily)
שמע מינה
Learn from here
(Either introduces a deduction rom an above teaching or concludes a deduction just said)
תניא נמי הכי
This was also taught in a Baraissa
(Quotes a Baraissa to support what was just said above)
אימא סיפא
I will say the last case
(The Gemara quotes the second half of a Tanaic source to contradict what was concluded from the first half)
לא שנו אלא
It was not taught except
(Comes to limit the case of the halacha stated in a Mishna)
הוה אמינא
I would have said
(Introduces what one have incorrectly have said if not for the following teaching)
מאי בינייהו
What is the difference
(What is the practical, halachik difference between the two opinions)
מאי נפקא מינה
What is the practical difference?
(What practical difference does this law or teaching make?)
אזדא לטעמיה
Goes according to his reasoning
(Introduces a case or statement showing that the above person is consistent with his logic that is used above)
קא משמע לן
It teaches us
(It conlcudes an answer as to what new idea someone or something is teaching)
because of / do you think … ?!
(It is used to ask a question)
It should have taught
(Asks, saying that if what your understanding is correct, then the Tanaic source should have been written as follows)
למה לי
Why do I need
(After listing a number of ideas or items, the Gemara asked why were all of the things necessary to be taught when only one would have been enough)
The other opinion
(The gemara asks what the other opinion is when the is a back and foth dispute)
It is an argument between Tanaim
(This that is being argued is an argument between Tanaim)
‘אמר לך ר
R’ would say to you
(Introduces an answer that the Tanna or Amora might have given to the above question, had he been asked.)
אמר מר
It was said before
(Quotes something that was said earlier in passing, so it can be discussed now in more detail)
אם תמצא לומר
If you find to say
(After posing a question, the Gemara continues and says if you would want to answer it this way then a new set of questions arise)
אלא אמר
Rther he said
(After an answer has been rejected, an Amora gives a new answer)
אי נמי
Or else
(Presents another of whatever was just said)