Kete 1 - Grammar Flashcards
How many books are there?
E hia ngā pukapuka?
There are five books
E rima ngā pukapuka
There is one book
Kotahi te pukapuka
How many people?
Tokohia ngā tāngata?
There are 3 people
Tokotoru ngā tāngata
How many books do you want?
Kia hia ngā pukapuka māu?
Seven books for me
Kia whitu ngā pukapuka māku
Can I have one sausage and two eggs
Hōmai kia kotahi te tōtiti, kia rua ngā hēki māku
How are you?
Kei te pēhea koe?
I’m good
Kei te pai au
E pai ana au
He / She is busy
Kei te pukumahi ia
Where are you from?
Nō hea koe?
I’m from Invercargill
Nō Waihopai au
What is your name?
Ko wai tō ingoa?
Where are you going?
Kei te haere koe ki hea?
Ki hea tō haere?
To the shop
Ki te toa
He / She is going to the shop
Kei te haere ia ki te toa
Catch you later
Mā te wā
See you again soon
Ka kite ano I a koe
It’s a pleasure to meet you
Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe
Goodbye (to person leaving)
Haere rā
Goodbye (to person staying)
E noho rā
Present tense
Kei te
E ….. ana
He / She is running
Kei te oma ia
E oma ana ia
The cat is walking
Kei te hīkoi te ngeru
I am going to the shop
Kei te haere au ki te toa
E haere ana au ki te toa
Is he / she running?
Kei te oma ia?
What are you doing?
Kei te aha koe?
I am reading a book
Kei te pānui pukapuka au
What is Mere doing?
Kei te aha a Mere?
Mere is sleeping
Kei te moe a Mere
You’re awesome alright
Koia kei a koe
Gee, you’re the one
Kino kē koe
Neat! Choice! Cool!
Taputapu kē
Negative tense
He / She is not going
Kāore ia i te haere
Kāore ia e haere ana
I am not talking
Kāore au i te kōrero
Kāore au e kōrero ana
Future tense
I will get angry
Ka riri au
The children will laugh
Ka kata ngā tamariki
He / She will run tomorrow
Ka oma ia āpōpō
Will the birds sing?
Ka waiata ngā manu?
I will not speak
Kāore au e kōrero
Mere will not be angry
Kāore a mere e riri
Will i not be speaking?
Kāore au e kōrero?
I ate
I kai au
You were late
I tōmuri koe
The pet died
I mate te mōkai
He / She returned
I hoki mai ia
Where have you been?
I haere koe ki hea?
Did the bird die?
I mate te manu?
Did you eat the fish?
I kai koe i ngā ika?
The dog did not die
Kāore te kurī i mate
The family did not return
Kāore te whānau i hoki mai
I have eaten
Kua kai au
The children have slept
Kua moe ngā tamariki
Mere has spoken
Kua kōrero a mere
Have the children slept?
Kua moe ngā tamariki?
Has Mere gone to the shop?
Kua haere a mere ki te toa?
Mere has not yet sung
Kāore anō a Mere kia waiata
He / She has not run yet
Kāore anō ia kia oma
Have you not eaten yet?
Kāore anō koe kia kai?
I am painting my house
Kei te peita au i tōku whare
I will help you
Ka āwhina au i a koe
Māku koe e āwhina
I am drinking
Kei te inu au
E inu ana au
I will drink
Ka inu au
I have drunk
Kua inu au
I drank
I inu au
I am not drinking
Kāore au i te inu
Kāore au e inu ana
I will not drink
Kāore au e inu
I have not drunk yet
Kāore anō au kia inu
I did not drink
Kāore au i inu
I am drinking the milk
Kei te inu au i te miraka
The cat has killed the bird
Kua patu te negru i te manu
Are you cleaning your room?
Kei te whakapai koe i tō taiwhanga moe?
The dog is not killing the hedgehog
Kāore te kurī i te patu i te tuatete
We - Us - You and I
We - 2 of us - but not listener
You two
They / Them (two people)
We - Us - Everybody
We - All of us (but not listener)
All of you (excludes speaker)
They - Them (3 or more)
Neither speaker or listener
They are talking (two people)
Kei te kōrero rāua
We are walking (you and I)
Kei te hīkoi tāua
We are sleeping (she and I)
Kei te moe māua
You two are going to the beach
Kei te haere kōrua ki te moana
Did you two sweep the floor?
I tahitahi kōrua i te papa?
They (those two) will laugh
Ka kata rāua
Māka, where are you?
E Māka, kei hea koe?
Hēni and I are watching TV
Kei te mātakitaki māua ko Hēni i te pouaka whakaata
I will buy food
Ka hoko kai au