Kemahiran Proses Sains Flashcards
What are the classes of fire based on the type of fuel involved?
Kelas A, Kelas B, Kelas C, Kelas D, Kelas E, Kelas F
These classes categorize fires by the materials burning, such as solids, liquids, gases, metals, electrical equipment, and cooking oils.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas A fires?
Bahan api pepejal seperti kayu, kertas, kain
Kelas A fires involve combustible solids excluding metals.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas B fires?
Cecair seperti petrol, kerosin, diesel, cat, varnis
Kelas B fires involve flammable liquids.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas C fires?
Gas seperti gas LPG, LNG, oksigen
Kelas C fires involve gases.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas D fires?
Logam seperti magnesium, aluminium, natrium, kalium
Kelas D fires involve combustible metals.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas E fires?
Peralatan elektrik
Kelas E fires involve electrical equipment.
What types of materials are involved in Kelas F fires?
Lemak dan minyak masak
Kelas F fires involve cooking oils and fats.
What is the most versatile type of fire extinguisher that can be used for most types of fires?
Pemadam api ABC
This extinguisher can be used on all classes of fires except those involving metals and gases that may explode.
What are the characteristics of ABC fire extinguishers?
- Boleh digunakan untuk semua jenis kebakaran kecuali kebakaran disebabkan logam dan gas
- Tidak berbahaya kepada manusia dan haiwan
- Tidak mencemarkan tanah
- Mudah diselenggara
ABC fire extinguishers are effective and safe for general use.
What extinguishing agents can be used for Kelas A fires?
- Air
- Buih
- Serbuk kering
Different agents can be used depending on the situation, but water is often effective.
What extinguishing agents can be used for Kelas B fires?
- Buih
- Serbuk kering
- Karbon dioksida
These agents are effective for flammable liquid fires.
Fill in the blank: A _______ is made of two layers of fiberglass and can extinguish small to medium fires.
Selimut kebakaran
Fire blankets are designed to smother small fires effectively.
What is the purpose of a fire blanket?
Memadamkan api pada badan mangsa dengan menyelimuti badan mangsa
Fire blankets can be used to extinguish flames on a person.
What is the purpose of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for biological waste disposal?
To manage the disposal of biological waste in laboratories
This procedure ensures safety and compliance in handling hazardous materials.
What is classified under Category A of biological waste?
Sharp equipment such as:
* Syringes
* Needles
* Scalpel blades
These items must be disposed of in special sharp waste containers.