KEATS Flashcards
Cyclical structure in LBDSM
Entrapment, grief, suffering
Danger in beauty LBDSM
‘fading rose’
Fall in status in LBDSM
‘pale kings and princes’
Isolation in LBDSM
‘alone and palely loitering’
‘on the cold hill side’
Ballad form LBDSM
Pathetic fallacy LBDSM
Changing of seasons, shift in power
Evidence of madness in the ‘faery’
‘wild wild eyes’
‘I made a garland for her head’
Could suggest entrapment?
Religious language used for Madeline
‘splendid angel’, ‘saint’
‘so ____ a thing, so ____ from ______ _____’
‘so pure a thing, so free from mortal taint’
Cyclical structure in EOSA
Returns to image of coldness- ‘ashes cold’- implies that the only conclusion for love is death
Semantic field of coldness EOSA
‘bitter chill’, ‘frosted breath’
Vilification of the guests EOSA
‘barbarian hordes’
Evidence of Porphyro as a villain
‘painful change’
‘beset with tears’
Significance of Lamia’s snake form
Allusions to Satan
Does this make her unredeemable?
Lamia’s appearance
‘sapphires, greens and amethyst’ - seductive nature?
Keats’ view on dreams
Symbolise transcendance and imagination
Therefore their love is inevitably transient?
‘do not ___ ______ ___ at the ____ _____ of ____ _________’
‘do not all charms fly at the mere touch of cold philosophy?’
Evidence that Lamia and Lycius’ love is an illusion
‘as fearful the whole charm might fade’
‘and Lycius’ arms were _____ __ _______’
‘and Lycius’ arms were empty of delight’
Lamia in classical mythology
Was robbed of her children by Hera, vowed to revenge herself on all children
Contrasts in Lamia (3)
- Imagination vs reason
- Dream vs reality
- Poetry vs philosophy
Vilification of Lamia
Her form as a deceptive shape shifter, associations with demons and madness
Suggestion that Lamia puts Lycius under a spell
‘from one trance… into another’
Lycius as a helpless victim under Lamia
‘tangled in her mesh’
Lycius’ objectification of Lamia
How does Keats split our sympathies in Lamia?
Presents both Lamia and Lycius as the villain and the victim at various points- alternate between roles
How does Keats present Apollonius’ wisdom?
Wisdom which brings destruction
‘by the ____ glances of _______ ____’ (Lamia)
‘by the love glances of unlovely eyes’
‘Vale of soulmaking’
Link between beauty and pain- Keats believed that one had to experience suffering in order to know true love and beauty
‘Vale of soulmaking’ in Lamia
Lamia’s ‘melancholy eyes’
Pain as Lamia changes (‘her eyes in torture fixed’) shows that beauty comes at a price
Evidence of Lamia as twisted and manipulative
‘twisted braid’
Lycius as lovesick
‘pale with pain’
Lamia entangling Lycius- manipulator
‘the life she had so tangled in her mesh’