KD and BL Flashcards
KD3 name
Tai Xi
KD3 nature
Yuan Source
KD3 main actions
Invigorates Jing, Ying or Yang, Bones, Marrow
KD6 name
Zhao Hai
KD6 main actions
Good for Yin Def, Organic Liquids, Blood, Calms Spirit
KD7 name
Fu Liu
KD7 main actions
Good for Yang Def, drains damp
BL10 name
Tian Zhu
BL10 main actions
Expels wind from head, good for headache, stiff neck
BL12 main actions
Expels wind from surface, assists LU diffusion
BL12 name
Feng Men
BL13 name
Fei Shu
BL13 nature and main actions
Shu of LU, descent and diffusion, expel wind cold or wind heat
BL15 name
Xin Shu
BL15 nature and main actions
HT shu, calms spirit, disperses heat
BL17 name
Ge Shu
BL17 nature and main actions
Diaphragm shu, opens chest, meeting point of blood
BL18 name
Gan Shu
BL18 nature and main actions
LV shu, good for all things LV, LV qi stag, LV def, expels damp heat
BL19 name
Dan Shu
BL19 nature and main actions
GB Shu, good for LV and GB, calms ST, expels damp heat, like BL17 good for diaphragm
BL20 name
Pi Shu
BL20 nature and main actions
SP shu, Eliminates damp, nourishes blood, assists rise of qi
BL21 name
Wei Shu
BL21 nature and main actions
ST shu, eliminates damp, calms ST, assists descent of qi
BL23 name
Shen shu
BL23 nature and main actions
KD shu, good for KD Jing, tonifys all chronic KD, lower back
BL40 name
Wai Zhong
BL40 main actions
Disperse heat, eliminate damp, good for sore back
BL57 name
Cheng shan
BL57 main actions
Relax tendons along calf, good for lower back and sciatica
BL60 name
Kun Lun