KCB revision - SLIDE DECK 5 - Remuneration of directors and snr exec. Flashcards
Why is remuneration an important corporate governance issue?
- Companies need to attract and retain talented executives.
- Remuneration incentives can be used to motivate executives to achieve better results for the company.
3.Those incentives need to be aligned with the interests of shareholders and promote the success of the company
4.Directors should not be rewarded for failure.
- Directors should not be able to decide or influence their own remuneration.
- High levels of executive pay undermine public trust in large businesses.
What governance frameworks apply to what types of companies around the subject of remuneration?
The CA2006 requires all companies to make certain disclosures regarding directors’ remuneration in their annual reports and accounts. Quoted companies are required to publish more detailed information in a separate report in directors’ remuneration as part of their annual accounts and reports.
The CA2006 also gives shareholders a say in directors’ remuneration by prohibiting quoted companies from making remuneration payments to directors unless they are in accordance with a directors’ remuneration policy approved by shareholders. The policy must be approved by shareholders at least once every three years.
UK companies with a premium listing of equity shares have to comply with the statutory rules set out in the CA2006, the listing rules requirements and the rules set out in the UK Corporate Governance code around reporting on remuneration.
The Listing Rules require UK companies with a premium listing to obtain shareholder approval for most long-term
incentive schemes in which the directors may participate.
In summary
ALL - CA2006
QUOTED - Schedule 8 of The Large and Medium- sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008
What two elements can a directors remuneration be divided into and what do they include?
Remuneration can be divided into two elements:
FIXED (Regardless of performance)
Basic Salary
Pension scheme payments
VARIABLE (Performance based)
Bonus (short-term incentive)
Share options/ long-term incentive schemes (long-term performance)
How may companies measure financial performance (or non financial performance)?
- Earnings Per Share (EPS)
- Total Shareholder Return (TSR) Share price & Dividend
- Profit PBIT or EBITDA
- Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
- Others (including Non Financial such as ESG, employee retention, customer / employee satisfaction scores)
What are problems with linking reward to performance?
Selecting the right performance measures
Setting the thresholds at which rewards are paid
Deciding whether to place a cap on any rewards under the incentive and determining the level of that cap
Ensuring that the targets used for short-term incentives like the annual bonus promote the long-term success of the company
Ensuring that the targets used for incentive schemes do not promote bad behaviour
Preventing executives who did not perform well from piggy-backing on the success of their colleagues
Preventing the ‘legacy effect’
Executives may develop an expectation that they should receive annual rewards regardless of the actual performance of the company
Designing a scheme that will be satisfactory to shareholders
What are the drawbacks of share options schemes?
Share options reward holders for increases in the share price, when this may not always relate to the executives, or indeed the company’s performance (ie ‘Bull’ market )
When the stock markets are in a bear run and prices are declining, share options lose value, and may even become worthless, irrespective of executives or company’s performance.
Option holders do not benefit from dividend payouts.
Executive directors may prefer a long-term incentive scheme involving the grant of shares, since the shares will always have some value once they have vested.
What principals in the UK CG Code touch on remuneration?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart but for ease, know letters!
Principles P / Q / R
P. Remuneration policies and practices should be designed to support strategy and promote long-term sustainable success. Executive remuneration should be aligned to company purpose and values and be clearly linked to the successful delivery of the company’s long-term strategy.
Q. A formal and transparent procedure for developing policy on executive remuneration and determining director and senior management remuneration should be established. No director should be involved in deciding their own remuneration outcome.
R. Directors should exercise independent judgement and discretion when authorising remuneration outcomes, taking account of company and individual performance, and wider circumstances
What does the Wates Code say in regards to remuneration?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart . Available through FRC website.
Principle 5
A board should promote executive remuneration structures aligned to the long-term sustainable success of a company, taking into account pay and conditions elsewhere in the company.
Appropriate and fair levels of remuneration help companies to secure and retain high-quality directors, senior management and their workforce. Remuneration for directors and senior managers should be aligned with performance, behaviours, and the achievement of company purpose, values and strategy. In setting director and senior manager remuneration consideration should be given to remuneration throughout the organisation to reinforce a sense of shared purpose.
The board should establish clear policies on remuneration structures and practices which should enable effective accountability to shareholders. This should take account of the broader operating context, including the pay and conditions of the wider workforce and the company’s response to matters such as any gender pay gap
What does the UKCG Code say in regards to remuneration committees?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart but for ease, know numbers
The board should establish a remuneration committee of independent non-executive directors, with a minimum membership of three, or in the case of smaller companies, two. In addition, the chair of the board can only be a member if they were independent on appointment and cannot chair the committee. Before appointment as chair of the remuneration committee, the appointee should have served on a remuneration committee for at least 12 months.
Provision 32, UKCG code
What are the duties of the remuneration committee?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart but for ease, know numbers
The remuneration committee should have delegated responsibility for determining the policy for executive director remuneration and setting remuneration for the chair, executive directors and senior management. It should review workforce remuneration and related policies and the alignment of incentives and rewards with culture, taking these into account when setting the policy for executive director remuneration.
Provision 33, UKCG code
What issues should the remuneration committee be aware of when using a remuneration consultant?
- May have conflicts of interest by virtue of the fact they are also engaged by the executives to advise the company on other aspects of remuneration or may have another connection with an individual director (e.g. an executive director who serves on another company’s remuneration committee).
- There is a risk that they will make recommendations which favour the executive directors and are not necessarily in the best interests of the company.
- May be inclined to recommend complex remuneration schemes in order to increase their fees and make it more difficult for the remuneration committee to dispense with their services in future years.
- May put pressure on the remuneration committee to accept their advice (e.g. by failing to come up with any credible alternative).
- Executive directors and senior management may also put pressure on the remuneration committee
What does the UK CG Code say in respect to the use of remuneration consultants?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart but for ease, know numbers
The remuneration consultants should be identified in the annual report alongside a statement about any other connection they have with the company or individual directors.
Remuneration committee members should exercise independent judgement when evaluating the advice of external third parties and when receiving views from executive directors and senior management.
Provision 35, UKCG code
Under provision 41 of the UK CG Code, there is a description of what needs to be included in the remuneration committee report for inclusion in the annual report. What should the report include?
NB - You will have access to this. Don’t need to learn off by heart but for ease, know numbers
An explanation of the strategic rationale for executive directors’ remuneration policies, structures and any performance metrics
Reasons why the remuneration is appropriate using internal and external measures, including pay ratios and pay gaps
A description, with examples, of how the remuneration committee has addressed the factors in Provision 40 – clarity, simplicity, risk and predictability
Whether the remuneration policy operated as intended in terms of company performance and quantum, and, if not, what changes are necessary
What engagement has taken place with shareholders and the impact this has had on remuneration policy and outcomes
What engagement with the workforce has taken place to explain how executive remuneration aligns with wider company pay policy
To what extent discretion has been applied to remuneration outcomes and the reasons why.
Quoted companies are required under the CA2006 to make detailed disclosures regarding directors’ remuneration in a separate section of the annual report and accounts known as the directors’ remuneration report (s. 420).
What should the Directors remuneration report include?
The directors’ remuneration report (the report) must include:
the DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION POLICY of the company if that policy is to be put to shareholders for approval at the AGM; and
an ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT giving details of remuneration payments (and any payments for loss of office) made to directors in the relevant financial year under the policies that applied during that year or previous years.
What legislation covers what needs to be included in the Directors’ Remuneration Policy?
Set out in Part 4 of Sch. 8 to the Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 (as amended)