KatJ - Pathology Flashcards
2nd most common cause of death in pediatric age group
Most common cause of death in pediatric age group
Congenital anomalies
Primary errors of morphogenesis; intrinsically abnormal developmental process
Secondary destruction of a structure that was previously normal in development; extrinsic disturbance in morphogenesis
Extrinsic distrurbance of development due to localized or generalized compression
Most common cause of deformations?
Uterine constraint
Cascade of anomalies triggered by one initiating aberration?
Mobius sequence is produced by which teratogen?
Constellation of congenital anomalies that cannot be explained on the basis of a single defect
What diseases produce a “blueberry muffin” baby?
Disseminated neuroblastoma
What test determines whether respiration took place on a newborn before death?
Fodere’s test (hydrostatic test)
What test involves floating of the stomach in water to determine presence of air?
Breslau’s test
What substance/mediator causes retinal neovascularization in retrolental fibroplasia (retinopathy of prematurity)?
What is the charcteristic radiologic finding in necrotizing enterocolitis?
Pneumatosis intestinalis
When should Rhogam be administered to prevent hydrops fetalis?
At 28 weeks AOG, within 72 hours of delivery or following abortions
Deficient enzyme in phenylketonuria
Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Most common variant of galactosemia
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase
Most common lethal genetic disease that affects Caucasian populations
Cystic Fibrosis
Sweat chloride test is used for what disease?
Cystic Fibrosis
Respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis are commonly caused by which organism?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Most common cause of death of an infant younger than 1 year old
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Most common finding in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
Multiple petechiae
What is the only safe sleeping position for infants that reduces the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome?
Supine position
Most common tumor of infancy?
Most common teratomas of childhood?
Sacrococcygeal teratomas
What disease involves amplification of the N-MYC oncogene?
Most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood?
What do you call the little round groupings of cells found in tumors with a spoke-wheel or halo arrangement surrounding a central, acellular region?
Where can you find Homer-Wright rosettes?
Primitive neuroectodermal tumors
Where can you find Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes?
What is the most common primary renal tumor of childhood?
Wilm’a tumor
What gene is involved in Wilm’s tumor?
WT1 gene
What disease involves triphasic combination of blastemal, stromal, and epithelial cell types?
Wilm’s tumor
What causes cherry red color of the skin and mucous membranes?
Carbon monoxide poisoning
_______ catalyzes the insertion of Fe2+ into protoporphyrin IX in heme synthesis.
What do you call red cell precursors with iron-laden mitochondria?
Ringed sideroblasts
What kind of anemia is seen in lead poisoning?
Microcytic, hypochromic
What histologic finding is seen in lead poisoning?
Basophilic stippling
Peripheral demyelinating neuropathy from lead poisoning results in?
Wrist drop and foot drop
Saturnine gout can be found in what heavy metal poisoning?
What is the drug of choice for acute management of lead poisoning?
EDTA +/-Dimercaprol
What is the drug of choice for outpatient management of lead poisoning?
What is the main protective mechanism against mercury poisoning?
Intracellular glutathione
In what heavy metal poisoning can you find ‘milk and roses complexion’, hyperkeratosis, and Mee’s lines?
What is the most exogenous cause of human cancers and the most preventable cause of human death?
Minamata disease is due to accumulation of what substance?
An alkaloid that readily crosses the BBB and stimulate nicotinic receptors
What enzyme metabolizes acetaldehyde?
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
What is the lethal dose of alcohol?
500 micrograms/dL
Differentiate viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease based on liver enzymes
AST:ALT = 1 (viral hepatitis)
AST:ALT > 1 (alcoholic liver disease)
What type of necrosis is seen in partial-thickness burns?
Coagulative necrosis
Most common hyperthermic syndrome
Heat exhaustion
What anesthetic drugs are implicated in malignant hyperthermia?
What is the drug of choice for malignant hyperthermia?
What is the most radiosensitive tissue?
Lymphoid tissue
What is the least radiosensitive tissue?
Protein-energy malnutrition wherein there is a deficiency of all nutrients
What is the serum albumin level in marasmus?
(normal, increased, decreased)
Protein-energy malnutrition wherein protein deprivation is greater than reduction in calories
Most common form of protein-energy malnutrition
Where can you find flaky paint appearance of the skin and flag sign (hair)?
What causes the enlarged fatty liver in Kwashiorkor?
Decreased apolipoprotein B-100
What is the mot common secondary immunodeficiency?
Where can you see Russell’s sign (calluses on back of hands)?
Bulimia Nervosa
What vitamin toxicity causes pseudotumor cerebri?
Vitamin A
In what vitamin deficiency are Bitot spots found?
Vitamin A
What do you call the overgrowth of cartilage at the costochondral junctions?
Rachitic rosary
Acrodermatitis enteropathica is caused by a deficiency of?
Keshan disease (cardiomyopathy) is seen in _______ deficiency.
Koplik spots are located in?
Near the opening of Stensen ducts
Multinucleated giant cells found in measles
Warthin-Finkeldey cells
What potentially fatal neurologic complication of measles is prevented by vaccination?
What vitamin has been shown to reduce the severity of measles infection?
Vitamin A
Large pink to purple intranuclear inclusions found in Herpes Simplex
Cowdry Type A
Whitish ulcerated oral mucosal lesions near the opening of Stensen ducts
Koplik spots
In what disease are Koplik spots found?
What lobe is affected in Herpes Simplex encephalitis?
Temporal lobe
Cowdry Type A inclusion bodies are found in what disease?
Herpes Simplex infection
Dewdrop on a rose petal appearance of rash
Herpes Zoster Oticus affects what structure?
Geniculate ganglion
Epstein-Barr virus
Inclusion bodies seen in CMV
Owl’s eye inclusions
Prominent intranuclear basophilic inclusions surrounded by a halo
Owl’s eye inclusions
Owl’s eye inclusion bodies are seen in what disease?
What is the drug of choice for CMV infection?
because CMV is highly resistant to Acyclovir
Patients who underwet splenectomy are vulnerable to which organisms?
Encapsulated bacteria: S. pneumoniae H. Influenzae N. meningitidis K. pneumoniae
What malignancies are associated with EBV?
Burkitt's lymphoma (Africans) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Chinese)
Downey cells are found in?
EBV infection
Infection of the apocrine gland by S. aureus
Hidradenitis suppurativa
What do you call the collection of pus in a naturally occurring cavity?
What is the most common cause of post-viral pneumonia?
S. aureus
What virulence factor is involved in scalded skin syndrome which cleaves desmoglein in desmosomes?
Separation of the skin in scalded skin syndrome is in what level?
Stratum granulosum
Separation of the skin in TEN is at what level?
Dermo-epidermal junction
What causes scalded skin syndrome?
S. aureus
What virulence factor is responsible for extension to subcutaneous tissue in Erysipelas?
Hyaluronidase / spreading factor
Scarlet fever is due to what virulence factor?
Erythrogenic toxin
What causes strawberry tongue in scarlet fever?
Sloughing off of filliform papilla
In what diseases can you find strawberry tongue?
Kawasaki disease
Scarlet fever
What is the Dick test?
Test for susceptibility for scarlet fever
Tumbling motility
Listeria monocytogenes
Swarming motility
Proteus mirabilis
Shooting star motility
Vibrio cholera
Falling leaf motility
Giardia lamblia
None of the cephalosporins are effective against:
Listeria monocytogenesis
Box car shaped
Bacillus anthracis
Slender beaded gram positive organisms arranged in branching filaments
Nocardia Asteroides
Organism with Medusa Head Morphogy
Bacillus anthracis
Most common cause of death in respiratory anthrax or Woolsorter’s disease
Hemorrhagic mediastinitis
Capsule of bacillus anthracis
Culture medium used for Lyme disease
Bordet-Gengou / Regan-Lowe agar
Which virulence factor causes whooping cough in pertussis infection?
Tracheal cytotoxin
Fleur-de-lis pattern in necrotizing pneumonia is caused by which organism?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Treatment for Yersinia pestis
Streptomycin and/or Doxycycline
Painful genital ulcer
Chancroid (H. ducreyi)
Beefy red ulcer with velvety surface and paeudobuboes are found in?
Klebsiella granulomatis
Donovan bodies are found in?
Klebsiella granulomatis
Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by which organism?
Chlamydia trachomatis type L1-L3
What makes up the Ghon’s complex?
Subpleural granuloma (Ghon’s focus) + associated lymph node
What is the radiologically detectable calcification seen on X-ray in M. tuberculosis infection?
Ranke’s complex
Reactivation tuberculosis is usually found in which part of the lung?
What is the Simon’s focus?
Reactivation TB in the apex of the lung
What type of cells are found in caseation necrosis/granuloma formation by M. tuberculosis?
Langhan’s type giant cell
What is the most frequent presentation of extrapulmonary TB?
What is a scrofula?
Lymphadenitis in the cervical region found in M. tuberculosis infection
What is the most common site of intestinal TB?
What substance drives the macrophages to become competent to contain the TB infection?
Gamma interferon
What are the 2 nerves involved in lepromatous leprosy?
Ulnar n.
Peroneal n.
What do you call the large aggregates of lipid-laden macrophages found in lepromatous leprosy?
Lepra cells
What are ‘red snappers’?
Acid-fast bacilli;
M. leprae contained within the macrophages
What causes the sterility in lepromatous leprosy?
Destruction of seminiferous tubules
What is the characteristic appearance of the aorta in tertiary syphilis?
Tree bark appearance
Intense plasma infilitrates and proliferatuve endarteritis are found at what stage of syphilis?
Primary syphilis
Condyloma lata can be found at what stage of syphilis?
Secondary syphilis
At what stage of syphilis will you find obliterative invasion of small blood vessels and vasa vasorum?
Endarteritis = tertiary syphilis
What do you call the pale and airless lungs found in congenital syphilis?
Pneumonia alba
Small incisors shaped like a screwdriver/peg often with notches in enamel
Hutchinson’s teeth
What diseases can have hemorrhagic mediatinitis as a complication?
Pulmonary anthrax (Woolsorter’s)
Congenital syphilis
Weil’s syndrome
What is the most common cause of death in congenital syphilis?
Hemorrhagic mediastinitis
Where is M. leprae cultured?
Footpad of mice or 9-banded armadillo
What organism causes relapsing fever?
Borrelia reurrentis
What organisms demonstrate erythrophagocytosis?
Borrelia recurrentis
E. histolytica
What causes the antigenic variation in relapsing fever?
Programmed rearrangement
What is acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans?
Atrophy of the skin with lymphadenopathy (chronic Lyme disease)
What is the vector of Borrelia burgdorferi?
Ixodes tick
What is the characteristic appearance of the lesion in Lyme arthritis?
Onion skin-like
What diseases does the vector Ixodes tick carry?
Borrelia burgdorferi
What is the virulence factor involved in gas gangrene?
Alpha-toxin - acts as lecithinase, can break down RBC
Urethritis in chlamydia is caused by what serotype/strain?
Chlamydia trachomatis D-K
What do you call the inclusion bodies found in Chlamydia?
Halberstadtr-Prowazek inclusion bodies
Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by what organism?
Chlamydia trachomatis L1-L3
Trachoma is caused by what organism?
Chlamydia trachomatis
strains A, B, C
What organism causes typhus fever and rocky mountain spotted fever?
What is the KOH finding in Candida albicans?
Yeast with pseudohyphae
What stain is used to visualize Cryptococcus neoformans and what is the characteristic appearance?
Thick gelatinous capsule on India Ink stain
Proliferating masses of acute-angle hyphae lying free within cavitations
Aspergilloma (fungus ball)
Crescent sign on CXR
Aspergillus fumigatus
Nonseptate, irregularly wide fungal hyphae with frequent right-angle branching
Spherules in endospores?
Coccidioides Immitis
Intracellular yeasts?
Histoplasma capsulatum
Systemic mycoses with a broad-based bud?
Blastomycoses Dermatitidis
Mariner’s wheel?
Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis
What causes the black or gray liver parenchyma in malaria?
What organism causes cerebral malaria?
Plasmodium falciparum
Durck granulomas are found in what disease?
Cerebral malaria
Ring hemorrhages related to local hypoxia, vascular stasis and small focal inflammatory reactions
Durck granulomas
Microscopic dots seen in P. vivax and P. ovale?
Schuffner’s dots
Microscopic dots seen in P. malariae?
Ziemann’s dots
Microscopic dots seen in P. falciparum?
Maurer’s dots
What is the drug of choice for radical cure of benign tertian malaria?
Maltese cross pattern
Babesia microti
Black skin pigmentation (kala-azar) is found in?
Visceral Leishmaniasis
Treatment for Leishmaniasis
What disease are Mott cells found?
African sleeping sickness (trypanosoma)
Plasma cells containing cytoplasmic globules filled with immunoglobulin
Mott cells
What characteristic sign of Chagas disease is associated with unilateral periorbital edema?
Romana’s sign
Other than myocarditis, what are the other expected complications in Chaga’s disease?
Chaga’s disease is caused by what organism?
T. Cruzi
What organism causes neurocysticercosis?
Taenia solium
Hydatid cysts are caused by what organism?
Echinococcus granulosus
What is the treatment for hydatid cyst?
Coiled larvae surrounded by membrane-bound vacuoles within nurse cells
Trichinella spiralis
Pipe-stem fibrosis in liver
Sever schistosomiasis
S. japonicum
What is the characteristic seizure seen in cerebral schostosomiasis?
Jacksonian seizure
Elephantiasis is caused by what organism?
Brugia malayi
Meyers-Kouvenaar bodies
Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
Dead microfiariae surrounded by stellate, hyaline, eosinophilic precipitates embedded in small epitheloid granulomas
Meyers-Kouvenaar bodies
What organism causes river blindness?
Onchocerca Volvulus
What lesions are seen in river blindness caused by Onchocerca?
Opacification of cornea
Atrophy of choroid and retina
What is the drug of choice for river blindness?
What complication may arise during initiation of treatment due to lysis of onchocercal worms?
Mazzotti reaction