Karl Marx Flashcards
Ideology (3)
A) has a role or function in society
E.g. justification, resistance, concealment
B) Necessary product of society
C) Whichever class owns the means of material production, also owns the means of mental production
Mode of production (4)
A) the way in which societies organize their material subsistence
E.g. capitalism, feudalism, hunting & gathering
B) includes reproduction of life and labour
C) a complex set of relations determined by:
1. Productive forces (e.g. technology, know-how)
2. Relations of production (esp. property of the means of production)
D) determines all social relations
Social relations (2)
A) socially determined relations between individuals in a society
E.g. division of labour, property rights
B) content of society
Historical materialism (3)
A) development of the forces of production determine relations of production, the totality of which constitutes the economic structure
B) out of this economic structure a legal and political superstructure arises
C) Historical forms:
Feudal mode of production (2)
A) Conditions of production:
Peasants own their means of production (incl. land) -> are attached to the land
B) Exploiting class (feudal lords):
Political governors and economic exploiters at the same time
Monopoly over violence
Primitive accumulation (4)
A) Precondition for transition from feudal to capitalist mode of production
B) Forceful separation of the producers from their means of production (esp. land)
C) Result: Migration from countryside to cities
D) Accumulation of capital through violence (e.g. colonialism, theft)
Capitalist mode of production (5)
A) C - M - C -> M - C - M+
B) Inversion of means and ends
E.g. Not needs, profit; labour is a mere means
C) Individual ownership of the means of production, but social production = ⊥
D) Surface: “free” exchange on the market (circulation sphere)
E) Core: Exploitation (production sphere)
Class relations under capitalism (4)
A) Classes:
B) Labour power has become a commodity (essential for production)
C) Workers are doubly “free”
1. Free to leave the capitalist when they wish
2. Free from means of production (forced to sell their labour power)
D) Impersonal dependence: power of social things over individuals
Contradictions in capitalism (3)
⊥1: Socialization of production and privatisation of profit
⊥2: Class struggle (opposing class interests)
⊥3: Opposing capital interests (competition -> overproduction -> crisis)
Crisis (2)
A) Cause:
Competition -> Necessary profit accumulation -> Exploitation -> Overproduction -> Crisis
B) Solution:
Destruction of capital