Kaplan Medicine Flashcards
mid systolic click associated with what
mitral valve prolapse
auer rod
ALL occurs in adults (t/f)
middle age person with Philadelphia chromosome and striking leukocytosis
tx for disk herniation
NSAID and 2 days of bed rest
hives after transfusion of blood
selective IgA deficiency
side effect of bleomycin
pulmonary fibrosis
- decreased TIBC, increased ferritin
- may have microcytosis
- anemic
anemia of chronic disease
- h/o chloramphenicol exposure
- anemic with low reticulocyte count
- what is it and how to dx
aplastic anemia
dx with bone marrow biopsy- shows hypocellularity
abd discomfort, myalgia, HA, weight loss, neuropathy, encephalopathy
- normal serum iron, normal TIBC, microcytosis, basophilic stippling
- erythrocyte protoporphyrin level > 35
signs of lead poisoning
pyridoxine deficiency can cause a ______ _______ anemia
microcytic hypochromic
how to dx melanoma
excisional bx
most common cause of traveler’s diarrhea
enterotoxigenic E Coli
__________ (electrolyte imbalance) associated with prolonged QT
nocturnal headaches that last 30 min - 2 hours
recur daily for up to 8 weeks and then a year of break
cluster headaches