Kantian Ethics Flashcards
Is Kantian Ethics teleological or deontological?
Deontological - focuses on the action or duty.
What did Kant say was the only thing that could be considered good?
Good will.
What are the three formulations of Kant’s Categorical Imperative?
- Always perform actions that may be made rules for everyone (universalisability)
- Always treat people as ends in themselves, not as means to an end.
- Pretend you live as a member of (and as a leader of) the Kingdom of Ends where all people live as if these rules are totally valid
What was Kant’s definition of being moral?
Freely choosing to follow duty for duty’s sake alone.
What did Kant believe was the highest good?
Summum bonum - where virtue and happiness meet.
Why is it a strength for Kant to separate morality and inclination?
What we might be inclined to do might not always be morally right.
Why is it a strength for people to not be treated as means to an end?
It safeguards the rights of individuals.
Why is a strength for Deontology to appeal to reason?
We should be expected to give rational explanations for our ethical decisions.
What are some of the weaknesses of Deontology?
- It seems irresponsible to ignore the consequences of our actions
- Offers no flexibility
- Singer - Kant ignores how we feel when making moral decisions