Kantian Ethics Flashcards
What are deontological ethics?
An action has to be good in itself, not because the product of it is good. Some actions are morally obligatory regardless of consequences for human welfare
What book did Kant write the Categorial Imperative in?
‘The Groundworks of the Metaphysics of Morals’
What sort of reason does Kant use for his ethics? Why?
A priori reasoning. He didn’t want to make ethical decisions from experience, instead wanting moral principles to be arrived at through reason alone
What is Good Will?
Acting in accordance with duty and only for the sake of duty. The only pure motive of an action - all other qualities have the potential to be misused (eg someone might be kind because it made them feel good)
What is a Kant quote about goodwill?
‘it is impossible to conceive of anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except good will’
What is duty?
Acting morally according to what is good regardless of consequences (while clearly not being forced to)
What does Kant say are duties to ourselves?
- Not committing suicide
- Not lusting after people or things
- Not being drunk
- Not being greedy
- Not lying
- Not acting in a way that undervalues yourself
What does Kant say are duties to other people?
- Be generous, grateful, sympathetic
- Respect others as equals/individuals
What does Jean-Paul Sartre say about conflicting duties?
- Describes a pupil torn between looking after his mother in France or going to England to fight with the Free French Forces.
- ‘I find myself drawn into a vicious circle.’ Which should he follow?
What is a Kant quote about the Categorical and Hypothetical imperatives?
‘All imperatives command either hypothetically or categorically… if the action would be good simply as a means to something else, then the imperative is hypothetical; but if the action is good in itself.. then the imperative is categorical.’
What is the Hypothetical Imperative?
Doing something to achieve a certain end. Doing an action because you want to get something out of it - this is not moral to Kant. Eg. you should give money to charity because it is your duty to, not because doing so would make you feel good
What’s a criticism of the hypothetical imperative?
Many people think the result of an action should be considered as an important ethical consideration. If an outcome hurts another person, most people would feel morally guilty which wouldn’t be positive for either parties
What are the three formulations of the categorical imperative?
- Formula of the law of nature
- Formula of the end in itself
- Formula of the kingdom of ends
What is the formula of the law of nature?
- ‘Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law’
- For an action to be morally valid the person must believe that in the same situation others would act in the same way
What two questions should you ask yourself about the formula of the law of nature?
- Is it logically possible for everyone to act like this?
- ## Do you rationally want everybody to act in this way?
What did Kant decide to be wrong from the formula of the law of nature?
- Breaking a promise
- Laziness
- Suicide
- Lying
- All of these wouldn’t be logically universalisable and would lead to societal breakdown
What is a Benjamin Constant’s negative critique of the formula of the law of nature?
- If we can’t lie society becomes impossible. White lies keep people sane - no one has the right to a truth that would harm others
What did Alastair MacIntyre say about Kant’s ethics (quote)
‘all I need to do is to characterise the proposed action in such a way that the maxim will permit me to do what I want while prohibiting others from doing what will nullify to action if universalised’
How does JS Mill criticise Kantian ethics?
The Categorical Imperative turns Kant into a consequentialist. This is because when looking at whether an action can be universalised, we’re considering the effects of universalising it. This contradicts Kant’s own beliefs because he isn’t a utilitarian and doesn’t want to consider effects.
What is the formula of the end in itself? (quote)
‘Act that you treat humanity… never merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end.’
Why doesn’t Kant like utilitarianism? (shown by the formula of the end in itself)
- Utilitarianism allows minority to suffer if the majority are happy
- Kant believes this uses the minority as a means to the majority’s happiness, taking away the minority’s free will and autonomy
- You cannot use someone as a means to your ends
What does the formula of the end in itself lead Kant to reject?
In what way did Kant believe it was ok to use people for means?
If you went to see a doctor, for example. However, don’t treat them as solely a means
What is the Formula of the Kingdom of Ends? (quote)
‘Act as if (you are) a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends’