Kantian Ethics Flashcards
What is the Summum Bonum?
The highest good
When the desire to perform one’s duty is accompanied by happiness
Happiness is not the main aim, virtue is, but it’s a bonus
What are the 3 postulates?
- Human beings have free will
- The immortality of the soul
- The existence of God
What is the categorical imperative?
People should not be treated as meant to an end, but as means in themselves
Is kantian ethics teleological or deontological?
What does deontological mean?
The moral worth of an act is based on the act itself, irrespective of the circumstances
What is Phillipa Foot’s criticism of kantian ethics?
The person as end criticism.
We can’t help but treat people as means to an end e.g. we use a shopkeeper as a means to an end when buying things
What is a maxim?
A general principle or rule
How do we test to see if a maxim is a categorical imperative? (3 formulations)
- Formula or universalisability
- Formula of people as ends in themselves
- Formula of Kingdom of ends
What are 3 major criticisms?
- Insists moral worth of and action is based on only the motive however takes into account the effects it would have if universalised.
- Assumes that we can never have conflicting duties however can not provide an answer for what our duty is in some situations
- Kants categorical imperatives are too strong of a claim and are too rigid
What is Kant influenced by?
Kant is influenced by enlightenment thinking