Kant Terms Flashcards
A priori Knowledge
“before experience” comes with logic and reason
A posteriori Knowledge
“after experience” comes from empirical world (like our senses)
the view that the moral worth of an action is determined by its conformity with moral rules or principles
Pathological Love
emotional love
Practical Love
acting for others benefit because it is your duty to do so
Hypothetical Imperatives
commands us to perform (or not) some action if we want to achieve a specific goal or satisfy some specific desire
Categorical Imperatives
unconditionally command us to perform (or not) some action
The Categorical Imperative Principle
Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become universal law
intention or motive
The CI Test
way to determine if an action is good or bad
1) Identify your maxim (your specific intention)
2) Generalize your maxim (make it non-specific to time, place, people)
3) Imagine that everyone has the same maxim and act on it, as if it was a universal law of human nature
4) Consider whether the world you have created is rationally consistent (Can such a world exist?)
The Formula of Humanity
“Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your mere means, but always at the same time as an end” don’t use people like tools