Kant Flashcards
What is a morally good action?
An action is morally good when it is done for the sake of the law, not merely in conformity with it. It is better that an action be done against personal desires but because the law requires it.
In what way must actions be done?
Actions must be done for the sake of duty, rather than for self-interest, self-preservation, sympathy, or happiness.
What is the moral value objection?
While we may admire or praise actions performed out of emotional concern or sympathy for others, these motives should not factor into someone deliberating on what to do morally.
What is the only unqualified good?
The only unqualified good is a ‘Good will’ - the possession of a will that is determined by basic moral principles rather than inclination.
What are the characteristics of the good will?
The ‘Good will’ is good in itself, irrespective of whether or not it achieves its aims. We value it in two ways: 1) We do not forfeit moral goodness for any desirable object 2) Something is only worth having / pursuing as long as it does not require giving up one’s fundamental moral convictions.
What is the Formula of Universal Law?
Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
What are potential objections/replies to Universal Law?
Objections include: some maxims shouldn’t become universal law; maxims can’t always be applied universally; they can lead to unacceptable conclusions. Replies are: maxims are principles of action and not all are moral principles; personal maxims are not principles of action; an ethic that is right in every case isn’t possible.
What is the Formula of Humanity?
Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end.
What are potential objections/replies to the Formula of Humanity?
Objections include: treating humans as an end is part of our nature, the definition of a rational person, and that the formula is narrow. Replies include: we shouldn’t treat humans as ‘mere’ means to an end, a rational person acts according to reason, and the formula does apply to groups as well.
What is the Formula of the Kingdom of Ends?
Morality consists in the relation of all action to the making of laws whereby alone a kingdom of ends is possible.
What is the First Proposition?
To have moral worth, an action must be done from duty.
What is the Second Proposition?
An action derives its moral worth from the maxim by which it is determined, not from the purpose which is attained by it. It depends merely on the motive for the action, without regard to any object of desire.
What is the Third Proposition?
Duty is the necessity of acting from respect for the law.
What are the two different types of imperatives?
Hypothetical imperatives instruct us to do certain actions if we want certain ends. Categorical imperatives are necessary in themselves without reference to any other end.
What are the types of duties?
Perfect duties are actions one must always or never perform. Imperfect duties are actions one must sometimes and to some extent perform.