Kanji Damage Flashcards
一 one/line radical★★★★★1 strokePK PN DUHOnyomiICHI, ITSU “Eazy-e’s debut album “EAZY duz it” was so good, IT’S going to be a number one HIT on the charts.”Kunyomiひと*つ one thing ★★★★☆Jukugoもう一度 もういちど one more time! ★★★★★ 一 (one) + 度 (times) = もう一度 (one more time!)一緒 いっしょ に together ★★★★★ 一 (one) + 緒 (together) = 一緒 (together)一人 ひとり で one person, alone ★★★★★ FP 一 (one) + 人 (person) = 一人 (one person, alone)一般的 いっぱんてき なordinary ★★★★★ 一般 (generally, commonly) + 的 (motivation / ‘-al’) = 一般的 (ordinary)One of many many Japanese words for ‘normal.’ The nuance of いっぱんてき is ordinary, non-special - as opposed to a member of a special group of people of things. 一般的な人 means, an average person. As in, ‘an average person is not allowed in this Yakuza bar.’一日 ついたち first day of the month ★★★★☆ FP 一 (one) + 日 (sun, day) = 一日 (first day of the month)一番 いちばん number one! ★★★★☆ NEO 一 (one) + 番 (number) = 一番 (number one!)the best! Number one!Used In子 言 不 七 旧 旦 万 死 必 上 宅 監 夫 更 使 申 天 出 世 妻 乏 融 引 丸 少 系 千 正 丘 本 末 未 及 与 武 臣 衰 帯 修 午 色 来 王 中 虫 戸 革 貫 元 酒
二 two★★★★★2 strokesDUHOnyomiNI as in, “Vince NEIL has two chins.”Kunyomiふた*つ two things ★★★★☆Jukugo二人 ふたり で two people ★★★★★ FP 二 (two) + 人 (person) = 二人 (two people)二月 にがつ February ★★★★★ KANA 二 (two) + 月 (moon) = 二月 (February)二日酔い ふつかよい hangover ★★★★☆ SARC 二 (two) + 日 (sun, day) + 酔 (drunk) = 二日酔い (hangover)hangover (literally: ‘paying for your drink’)二日 ふつか second day of the month ★★★★☆ 二 (two) + 日 (sun, day) = 二日 (second day of the month)二重 にじゅう XXX double-xxx ★☆☆☆☆ PRE 二 (two) + 重 (heavy / overlap) = 二重 (double-xxx)PREFIX meaning double, as in “double-chin” or “twin-engine plane.”Used In示 重 霊 云
三 three★★★★★3 strokesPN DUHOnyomiSAN as in, “SANTA Claus has three wives .”Kunyomiみ*つ (also sometimes pronounced み*っつ) three things. Yes, it’s got 2 pronunciations ★★★★☆Jukugo三人 さんにん で can you guess?!??? ★★★★★ 三 (three) + 人 (person) = 三人 (can you guess?!???)三月 さんがつ March ★★★★★ KANA 三 (three) + 月 (moon) = 三月 (March)三角 さんかく triangle ★★☆☆☆ 三 (three) + 角 (horn/corner) = 三角 (triangle)Used In言 寿
了 total★★★★☆2 strokesBETA PK OnyomiRYOU as in, “We don’t have the total number of parts, so we need to REORDER more.”To me it just looks like a broken coat hanger, which is totally useless.Jukugo完了 かんりょう する finish ★★★☆☆ NP 完 (complete) + 了 (total) = 完了 (finish)to finish work on a project - an annual report, a re-formatting of the database, etc.了解 りょうかい OK, got it. ★★★☆☆ 了 (total) + 解 (solve / untie) = 了解 (OK, got it.)roger that! (‘I got it!’) (originally used by military, but now often used when you text, because of its brevity)!終了 しゅうりょう expire ☆☆☆☆☆ NP 終 (end) + 了 (total) = 終了 (expire)to expire, to come to an end (used about contracts or subscriptions expiring)LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical子 child the ‘one’ radical 一 了 total NO ‘one’ radical 予 beforehand katakana MA マA child is ONE year old.The complete kanji is complete even WITHOUT the ‘one’ radical.MAMA was around before baby.Used In子
子 child一 (one/line radical) + 了 (total) ★★★★★3 strokesPNFrom now on, when you see a kanji with the onyomi of “KO”, please use 子供 (KOdomo) for the English keyword.OnyomiSHI That poor child ーSHE has lived a total of one year!Kunyomiこ child ★★★★★Jukugo子供 こども child ★★★★★ KUNKUN 子 (child) + 供 (follower) = 子供 (child)親子 おやこ meat and eggs ★★★★☆ SARC KUNKUN 親 (parents/kindness) + 子 (child) = 親子 (meat and eggs)parents and child together - also the rather cruel name for a traditional dish: boiled chicken served with scrambled eggs.調子 ちょうし condition ★★★★☆ 調 (check out) + 子 (child) = 調子 (condition)the condition something’s in. Can be used with a living thing or object. Always used only with いい or 悪い. Usually emphaizes the LONG TERM condition. Although hungover people have been heard to remark, 調子が悪い!椅子 いす chair ★★★☆☆ FP 1/2 KANA車椅子 くるまいす wheelchair ★★☆☆☆ KUNKUN NEO 車 (car) + 子 (chair) = 車椅子 (wheelchair)LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical子 child the ‘one’ radical 一了 total NO ‘one’ radical 予 beforehand katakana MA マ A child is ONE year old.The complete kanji is complete even WITHOUT the ‘one’ radical.MAMA was around before baby.Used In好 孫 承 字 熟 塾 孝 季 遊 浮 厚 存 猛 乳 学 孤
女 woman★☆☆☆☆3 strokesPK SYMBOLICOnyomiJO as in, “Jack Off.”It looks like a lady, tilting her head to one side and crossing her arms as she watches you JACK OFF. She really disapproves of it!!!Kunyomiおんな woman - but don’t say it by itself, it’s like saying ‘That broad.’ ★★★★★Jukugo彼女 かのじょ her / girlfriend ★★★★★ 彼 (him) + 女 (woman) = 彼女 (her / girlfriend)her. Might also mean ‘girlfriend’ depending on context.女の人 おんなのひと woman ★★★★★ 女 (woman) + 人 (person) = 女の人 (woman)the polite- but not formal - way to say woman女の子 おんなのこ girl ★★★★★ 女 (woman) + 子 (child) = 女の子 (girl)girl . Newspapers use it for a female up through junior high, but guys talking about ‘chicks,dude’ might use it to refer to a 20 year old.少女 しょうじょ young girl ★★★★☆ 少 (a little (amount)) + 女 (woman) = 少女 (young girl)young girl - usually 5- 15 years old.女性 じょせい female ★★★☆☆ 女 (woman) + 性 (sex / essential nature) = 女性 (female)female - emphasizes biology, (sex, rather than gender).女子 じょし female xxx / xxx for girls ★★★☆☆ PRE 女 (woman) + 子 (child) = 女子 (female xxx / xxx for girls)PREFIX used about women from first grade through college. Used to refer to female students as a group: “女子 line up on the left side of the class, 男子 (danshi) line up on the right side.” BOOBOO: You wouldn’t say “She’s a joshi.”女子高生 じょしこうせいhigh school girl. ★★★☆☆ 女子 (female xxx / xxx for girls) + 高 (tall) + 生 (life / birth) = 女子高生 (high school girl.)Used In好 姦 姉 妨 奴 妄 安 始 姿 妻 嫌 嬢 娯 妙 接 委 妹 妥 婦 姫 数 威 娘 嬉 婚 娠 嫁 妊 姓 要 桜
好 like子 (child) + 女 (woman) ★★★★★6 strokesOnyomiKOU Your Moms likes exercising her COLON on Youtube.A woman and her child means ‘like’, huh? Think you can handle the linguistics by yourself, Noam Chomsky??Kunyomi( が ) すき to like ★★★★★この*む To have a preference for. ★★☆☆☆この*み The noun form of 好む. You often say, ‘That’s my konomi,’ meaning ‘That’s my favorite kind’ . . . but it also implies that you know a lot about that thing.(**) ★★★☆☆Jukugo大好き だいすき really like ★★★★★ 大 (big) + 好 (like) = 大好き (really like)格好 かっこう looks ★★★★★ 1/2 KANA 格 (character, aspect) + 好 (like) = 格好 (looks)literally, ‘look’ or ‘shape,’ as in ‘He’s dressed as a woman’ : おんなの格好してる。But usually it means ‘coolness:’ かっこいい (cool) or かっこうわるい (not).(when used in the figurative, ‘cool’ sense, it is usually KANA)格好つける かっこうつける try too hard to be cool ★★★☆☆ KANA 格 (character, aspect) + 好 (like) = 格好つける (try too hard to be cool)this is a rad one. it means “try too hard to be cool”. (Literally “manufacturing coolness”)好奇心 こうきしん curiosity ★☆☆☆☆ 好 (like) + 奇 (strange) + 心 (heart) = 好奇心 (curiosity)curiosityBOOBOO: if you want to say you’re curious about a specific thing, you’d use 興味 (きょうみ) instead.好奇心 usually means “curiosity-in-general”: you have an inquiring personality, or a gaze of curiosity on your face. You’d never say, “Oh, you play in a band? 好奇心ある!”
姦 rape女 (woman) ★☆☆☆☆9 strokesBETA ABU FRBy looking at the radicals you can see how Politically Incorrect Ancient China was when they were inventing kanji. You see three women and you’d assume the kanji would mean something positive, like sisterhood or a cheerleader human pyramid. Buuuuuut no.OnyomiKAN Genghis KHAN raped three women.Jukugo強姦 ごうかん する rape ★★★☆☆ FP 強 (burly) + 姦 (rape) = 強姦 (rape)法定強姦 ほうていごうかん statuatory rape ☆☆☆☆☆ NP 法 (law) + 定 (plan) + 強姦 (rape) = 法定強姦 (statuatory rape)近親相姦 きんしんそうかん incest ☆☆☆☆☆ ABU 近 (near) + 親 (parents/kindness) + 相 (partner) + 姦 (rape) = 近親相姦 (incest)獣姦 じゅうかん bestiality ☆☆☆☆☆ ABU 獣 (beast) + 姦 (rape) = 獣姦 (bestiality)死姦 しかん necrophilia ☆☆☆☆☆ ABU 死 (death) + 姦 (rape) = 死姦 (necrophilia)
口 mouth/small box radical★★★★★3 strokesPK DUH SYMBOLIC PN JERK RADICALJERK RADICAL ALERT- although the kanji means ‘mouth’ the radical sometimes means “box”. Irritating but not totally a hassle when you consider that it looks more like a box than a mouth, anyway.Also, jukugo with 口 tend to be KUNKUN for some reason.OnyomiKOU, KU - as in, “My KUchi on your COLON . “ Disgusting? Yes!. . . but try forgetting this ON-yomi now.You can think of this as an open mouth, just yelling at you . Always yelling! Again with the yelling JESUS WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY JUST SHUT UP. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT. JUST CALL THE COPS. GREAT!Kunyomiくち mouth ★★★★★Jukugo出口 でぐち exit. ★★★★★ KUNKUN 出 (pull out / hand over) + 口 (mouth) = 出口 (exit.)入り口 いりぐち entrance ★★★★☆ NOKURI 入 (put/go in) + 口 (mouth) = 入り口 (entrance)entrance (often shortened to 入口)悪口 わるぐち talking shit about someone. ★★★☆☆ KUNKUN 悪 (bad) + 口 (mouth) = 悪口 (talking shit about someone.)銀行口座 ぎんこうこうざbank account ★★★☆☆ 銀行 (bank) + 口 (mouth) + 座 (sit) = 銀行口座 (bank account)口説く くどく pester ★★☆☆☆ 口 (mouth) + 説 (explain) = 口説く (pester)pester someone, usually for sex人口 じんこう population ★★☆☆☆ 人 (person) + 口 (mouth) = 人口 (population)窓口 まどぐち service window ★★☆☆☆ KUNKUN 窓 (window) + 口 (mouth) = 窓口 (service window)the kind of depressing place where you get a ticket or food from a person in a box with usually a bulletproof plexiglas window between you and them.口実 こうじつ pretext ★☆☆☆☆ 口 (mouth) + 実 (truth) = 口実 (pretext)a pretext. Like, “I’m studying to be a preacher, but that’s just a pretext for me to meet virgin dudes.”Used In品 言 否 古 叶 叱 日 可 亭 叫 名 占 喧 沿 問 喋 塩 船 叩 卵 谷 語 悟 史 呂 尚 別 束 呑 咲 舎 倉 合 含 命 尋 噂 噛 唐 高 事 君 嘘 咳 暇 融 隔 唱 台 召 加 絹 熟 呼 京 舌 吐 塾 吉 唯 足 拐 保 和 味 各 吸 惑 域 巨 四 喚 吹 哀 告 石 鳴 喜 極 号 知 右 民 唇 句 哲 噴 嘆 回 聖 程 喫 害 中 甘 兄 員 貫 西 獣
品 products口 (mouth/small box radical) ★★★☆☆9 strokesBETA PN DUHOnyomiHIN Please show HIM the boxes of products. (he’s the customer)Jukugo商品 しょうひん items for sale, merchandise ★★★★☆ 商 (merchandise) + 品 (products) = 商品 (items for sale, merchandise)作品 さくひん artworks. ★★★☆☆ 作 (make) + 品 (products) = 作品 (artworks.)下品 げひん な crude ★★★☆☆ 下 (below) + 品 (products) = 下品 (crude)crude. Like chicks sitting with their legs open or guys picking their nose.新品 しんぴん new items ★★☆☆☆ 新 (new) + 品 (products) = 新品 (new items)brand new shit - just on the market上品 じょうひん な sophisticated ★☆☆☆☆ 上 (above) + 品 (products) = 上品 (sophisticated)can be used of people or things. It means graceful or sophisticated in a quiet or understated way. When it comes to people, 上品 is usually used about women, I mean ‘ladies.’LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical品 products No ‘BIG’ 器 instrument BIG 大A tuba is a BIG instrument.Used In繰 操 器 臨
言 say一 (one/line radical) + 三 (three) + 口 (mouth/small box radical) ★★★★★7 strokesOnyomiGEN He used his mouth to say it 4 times already! If he says it AGAIN, I swear I’ll stomp that ass.Kunyomi( と ) い*う to say ★★★★★Jukugo言葉 ことば any word ★★★★★ FP 言 (say) + 葉 (leaf) = 言葉 (any word)ANY word - unlike the related term 単語(たんご)、 言葉 can refer to compound words, or onomonopoeia. Also 言葉 can mean “way of speaking.” There are expressions like “watch what you say!” that use 言葉 this way: 言葉使い が丁寧 (her way of speaking is very polite!) or 言葉大切につかいましょう (let’s be careful how we speak!)助言 じょげん advice ★★★☆☆ 助 (save) + 言 (say) = 助言 (advice)言語の壁 げんごのかべ the language barrier ★★★☆☆ NEO 言 (say) + 語 (language) + 壁 (wall) = 言語の壁 (the language barrier )片言 かたこと broken english / Japanese ★★☆☆☆ FP KUNKUN 片 (fragment) + 言 (say) = 片言 (broken english / Japanese)we say “He speaks broken English”.Japanese say, “He speaks katakoto nihongo.”言葉遣い ことばづかい one’s choice of words ★★☆☆☆ KANA 言 (say) + 葉 (leaf) + 遣 (apply) = 言葉遣い (one’s choice of words)Used In計 談 訂 信 訪 訟 誇 誉 獄 講 語 謝 設 諭 詳 論 討 詩 詞 誕 調 謙 該 誤 議 訴 詰 罰 認 評 話 誌 諸 誰 護 訳 謎 誘 試 識 記 誠 訓 説 証 課 診 許 警 誓 譲 読 請 謀
下 below★★★★★3 strokesPK DUHOnyomiGE, KA The GAY fella was below your CAR, cutting your brakes (FYI - you’re Dr. Laura).Kunyomiした below ★★★★★( を ) さ*げる I lower it 1/2 KANA ★★★☆☆( が ) くだ*る it gets lowered ★★☆☆☆Jukugo地下鉄 ちかてつ subway ★★★★☆ 地 (area) + 下 (below) + 鉄 (iron) = 地下鉄 (subway)XXX が 下手 へた untalented / poor ★★★★☆ FP 下 (below) + 手 (hand) = 下手 (untalented / poor)XXX is untalented, poorly performed, or poorly made.下痢 げり diarrhea ★☆☆☆☆ 下 (below) + 痢 (diarrhea) = 下痢 (diarrhea )Used In不
不 un下 (below) + 一 (one/line radical) ★★★★★4 strokesBETA PREOnyomiFU as in, “Doing meth is FUcking unlucky, and really FUcking unwise. “below (下) + one stroke. You can think of 不運 (unlucky) or 不平等 (unfair) as being below or less than lucky or fair.Jukugo不思議 ふしぎ mystery ★★★★★ 不 (un) + 思 (think) + 議 (discussion) = 不思議 (mystery)a mystery or unexplainable thing. BOOBOO:NOT a mystery like Sherlock Holmes or “Colonel Mustard, in the drawing room, with the double-headed dildo.” A mystery like how fat Americans are, or why Sting is famous. That’s a fushigi.不安 ふあん な unease ★★★★☆ 不 (un) + 安 (cheap / safe) = 不安 (unease)不便 ふべん な inconvenient ★★★★☆ 不 (un) + 便 (convenient / poop) = 不便 (inconvenient)不足 ふそく shortage of ★★★★☆ NP 不 (un) + 足 (foot/ be enough) = 不足 (shortage of)To not have enough of a physical thing (money, time, nurses, teachers.) Also implies that there is a specific amount that is required, For example -犬不足 (a dog shortage). There’s no particle or verb needed.不倫 ふりん affair ★★☆☆☆ 不 (un) + 倫 (principles) = 不倫 (affair)an affair - cheatingUsed In歪 杯 衆 否
否 no不 (un) Same-ON + 口 (mouth/small box radical) ★★☆☆☆7 strokesOnyomiHI HE said no, when I asked if he’d get a tattoo of me and him holding hands naked.The mouth is un-happy so it says no.Kunyomiいな ‘No’. Usually used by older people. Or pretentious authors, who contradict themselves for rhetorical effect: ‘She was a proper woman, No, wait, perhaps I should rather say she was the kind of woman who wanted to be seen as proper, A-ha-ha, I am so clever.’ ★★☆☆☆Jukugo否定形 ひていけい a negative sentence ★★☆☆☆ 否定 (a formal word for ‘to deny’ (the politician denied the allegations)) + 形 (form) = 否定形 (a negative sentence)a negative sentence. ‘He doesn’t , we don’t, I can not,’ are examples of English negatives. ひていけい is a good word to know if you want to ask your friends, ‘How do you use this word in the negative?’否定 ひてい する a formal word for ‘to deny’ (the politician denied the allegations) ★★☆☆☆ NP 否 (no) + 定 (plan) = 否定 (a formal word for ‘to deny’ (the politician denied the allegations))拒否 きょひ する refuse!!!! ★★☆☆☆ ABU 拒 (repel) + 否 (no) = 拒否 (refuse!!!!)absolute refusal- unlike 拒む (こばむ), 拒否 is always verbal - an exit line. Like if you tell a guy ‘no thanks’ 10 times and he won’t go away, you use 拒否. As in, ‘私がきょひした。’Oh no you di’int!
十 ten★★★★★2 strokesPK COUNTEROnyomiJUU JEWS gave us the ten commandments, the foundation of Western morality.Kunyomiとう (also pronounced just と)ten things (yes, it has two pronunciations) ★★★★★Jukugo十円 じゅうえん ten yen. ★★★★★ 十 (ten) + 円 (yen/circle) = 十円 (ten yen.)十月 じゅうがつ October ★★★★★ FPKANA 十 (ten) + 月 (moon) = 十月 (October)十日 とおか the tenth day of the month ★★★★☆ FP 十 (ten) + 日 (sun, day) = 十日 (the tenth day of the month )十ヶ月間 じゅうかげつかんten months’ time ★★★☆☆ 十 (ten) + 月 (moon) + 間 (a period of time) = 十ヶ月間 (ten months’ time)about that little “ヶ” thing - it’s pronounced KA, and means “number of months’ time”. If you take it out, you’d be left with “十月”, meaning October.It’s the difference between “It’s October, the tenth month of the solar year” and “I haven’t seen your mom’s Ricky Martin sex-tape youtube in a whole ten months!”二十歳 はたち twenty years old ★☆☆☆☆ CC WFP 二 (two) + 十 (ten) + 歳 (years old) = 二十歳 (twenty years old)twenty years old - traditionally the age at which Japanese turn into adults and get presents, kimono, etc. So, naturally it has its own special pronunciation that doesn’t make any sense, since it SHOULD be called にじゅうさい。 Whatever. Tradition.十戒 じっかい the ten commandments. ☆☆☆☆☆ FP 十 (ten) + 戒 (admonish / commandment) = 十戒 (the ten commandments.)Used In古 叶 計 早 汁 卒 辛 幸 率 去 支 栽 南 針 傘 博 事 市 協 索 千 準 枠 賊 裁 砕 朝 載 酔 噴 粋 焼 克 憤 単
古 old十 (ten) + 口 (mouth/small box radical) ★★★★★5 strokesPNOnyomiKO The KOdomo (子) will grow old someday with ten dentures in her mouth.Kunyomiふる*い old ★★★★★Jukugo中古 ちゅうこ のXXX used XXX ★★★☆☆ 中 (middle) + 古 (old) = 中古 (used XXX )used XXX (books, cars, your dad’s condoms)古着 ふるぎ used clothes ★★☆☆☆ KUNKUN 古 (old) + 着 (wear / arrive) = 古着 (used clothes)used clothes - a used clothes store is a 古着屋(ふるぎや)古典的 こてんてき な classical ☆☆☆☆☆ 古 (old) + 典 (classic) + 的 (motivation / ‘-al’) = 古典的 (classical)classical, like Shakespeare or Bach or Shunga something.LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical早 early SUN 日古 old NO SUN 里 village RICE FIELD 田The SUN comes up early, but if there is NO SUN, the day is old.The village is next to a RICE FIELD.Used In湖 苦 枯 固 居 故
叶 dream come true口 (mouth/small box radical) + 十 (ten) ★★☆☆☆5 strokesSOLOOnyomiPlease grant my wish to have ten mouths. (That would be awesome. 3 for Cheetos, and 4 for Pringles, and another 3 left over to swallow just fistfuls of MSG and benzene. )Kunyomi( が ) かな*う one’s dream comes true. Usually used like this: 夢が叶う-ゆめがかなう: my dream comes true! ★★☆☆☆LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical叶 dream come true TEN 十吐 puke GROUND 土If I got TEN wishes, I would wish to puke on the GROUND.(that would be like around #8. the first couple would be world peace or something)
計 measure言 (say) + 十 (ten) ★★★★☆9 strokesDUPEOnyomiKEI it’s OKAYYY to measure your pubic hair.Measure SATAN!!!!! (say + ten) He’s just huge, dude!!Kunyomi( xxx ) けい suffix meaning, the total xxx. Total hours, total pounds, total hogs-heads, etc. SUFFIX ★☆☆☆☆はか*る measure temprature, height, depth. If you’re measuring a chair or your mom’s stretch marks, use this one. ★☆☆☆☆Jukugo時計 とけい watch or clock ★★★★★ FP 時 (time) + 計 (measure) = 時計 (watch or clock )合計 ごうけい total ★★★☆☆ 合 (to suit) + 計 (measure) = 合計 (total)計画 けいかく plan ★★★☆☆ FP 計 (measure) + 画 (a drawing) = 計画 (plan)Pretty close to 予定 (よてい) in meaning, but perhaps more elaborate - you’d use 計画 to say “I have a plan to get rich!” or to say “I planned out our whole vacation to 3 countries.” . . but you wouldn’t use 予定。余計 よけい な uncalled-for ★★★☆☆ 余 (excess) + 計 (measure) = 余計 (uncalled-for)excessive, uncalled-for, and unnecessary (usually used in the context of 余計なお世話だよ! (よけいなおせわだよ!): ‘Mind your own business!’)計算 けいさん する to calculate ★★☆☆☆ 計 (measure) + 算 (calculate) = 計算 (to calculate)
「ヒ」heel radical(right radical)PKBecause it looks like a heel , and also because it’s the katakana “HI”! (ヒ)Used In化 宅 切 老 雌 紫 蛇 尼 北 頃 叱 匂 旨 比 死 疑 七
七 seven (heel) + 一 (one/line radical) ★★★★★2 strokesPK’4’ and ‘7’ are numbers that don’t follow the usual pronunciation rules. When counting time or months, usually one uses the KUNs, but with 4 and 7 you use the ONs.OnyomiSHICHI SHE CHEATS seven times.Let’s call the ‘one’ radical a dirty needle, for reasons which shall become clear.You can tell the difference between heel and seven with the following mnemonic:Seven heels get pierced with ONE dirty needle.Kunyomiなな seven ★★★★★なな*つ seven things ★★★★☆Jukugo七月 しちがつ July ★★★★★ FP KANA 七 (seven) + 月 (moon) = 七月 (July )七時 しちじ 7 o’clock ★★★★★ FP 七 (seven) + 時 (time) = 七時 (7 o’clock)七千円 ななせんえん 7,000 yen. ★★★★★ 七 (seven) + 千 (thousand) + 円 (yen/circle) = 七千円 (7,000 yen.)七日 なのか the seventh day of the month ★★★★☆ FP 七 (seven) + 日 (sun, day) = 七日 (the seventh day of the month)七面鳥 しちめんちょう turkey ☆☆☆☆☆ 七 (seven) + 面 (front surface / face) + 鳥 (bird) = 七面鳥 (turkey )LookalikesMeaning Hint Radical七 seven ONE DIRTY NEEDLE ー Seven heels get pierced with ONE DIRTY NEEDLE.
もう一度 もういちど one more time! ★★★★★ 一 (one) + 度 (times) = もう一度 (one more time!)