kamikaze quotes Flashcards
‘full of powerful —‘
‘full of powerful incantations’
suggests the pilot was under a kind of spell, hints at the influence of the patriotic propaganda that kamikazes were exposed to
‘father’s boat —‘ ‘grandfather’s boat- —‘
‘fathers boat safe’
‘grandfathers boat- safe’
reminiscing on childhood memories
‘safe’ - repetition
‘grandfather’ hints to the pilots mindset that he does not want his children to go through the pain of losing him
‘they treated him as though he — — —‘
‘they treated him as though he no longer existed’
irony - he survived but is treated as though he is still dead
‘he must have wondered which had been — — — — —‘
‘he must have wondered which had been the better way to die’
final short sentence is a comment on the destructiveness of patriotism
either way his story still ends in a death - either physically or socially