Kamikaze Flashcards
Beatrice Garland
‘a shaven…’
‘a shaven head full of powerful incantations’
‘the little fishing…’
‘the little fishing boats strung out like bunting on a green-blue translucent sea’
‘the dark shoals…’
‘the dark shoals of fishes flashing silver as their bellies swivelled towards the sun.’
‘safe to the shore…’
‘safe to the shore, salt-sodden, awash with cloud-marked mackerel, black crabs, feathery prawns’
‘the loose silver…’
‘the loose silver of whitebait and once a tuna, the dark prince, muscular, dangerous.’
‘And although he came back…’
‘And although he came back my mother never spoke again… nor did she meet his eyes and the neighbours too… only we children still chattered and laughed’
‘till gradually…’
‘till gradually we too learned to be silent, to live as though he never returned, that this was no longer the father we loved’