Kamikaze Flashcards
What is the poem about (4)
1 it is about a kamikaze pilot setting off on his mission
2 it becomes clear he turns around and did not complete his mission-
3 his daughter imagines that this was because on the way he say the beauty of nature and remembered his innocent childhood
4 his wife, neighbours did not speak to him on his return and the children learned to ignore him as well
5 she surmises that he may have regretted the decision after being isolated
What form does the poem take (3)
1 third person narrative - using mainly reported speech of the pilots daughter- we see her pain and shame -his lack of voice reflects him being cut off from society
2 free verse no regular rhythm or rhyme shows his conflict between following orders and his heart
What is the structure (3)
1 first 5 stanzas are 5 sentences covering daughters imagined account
2 last 2 standard deal with fallout of pilots actions
3 italics indicate change of speaker
What is the context (3)
1 kamikaze pil were specifically trained Japanese’s pilotst who were used towards end of ww2. They flew flew their planes on suicide missions into enemy ships - seen as a great honour to serve your country this way
2 honour and shame were critical motivating factors in Japan
What is the poets message (3)
1 There is conflict between social rules and free will
2 it is futile to try to avoid fate
3 patriotism can be destructive.
Key quotations
Powerful incantations- make it seem like the pilot were under a spell. They were influenced by propaganda and glory that comes with death.
A green blue translucent sea- the image of this beauty might have been one of the reasons he turned back. Shows how nature can influence
They treated him as though he no longer existed -shows the family felt so much shame upon his return they treated him like he were dead
Which text compares well
1Charge of the light brigade
Both pilot in kamikaze and soldiers in charg eof the light Brigade are presented as prepared to die for their country
2 where they differ is that the soldiers in charge OLB actually carried out their duties even when given wrong orders
3 contrast with the pilot who didn’t carry out his mission despite the heavy influence of patriotism
4 narrator in COLB seems opposed to unavoidable waste of life
5 in contrast speaker in kamikaze seems to be more directly critical of patriotism and propaganda