Kamikaze Flashcards
Beatrice Garland
Key Quotes
“Full of powerful incantations” - Japanese Kamikaze under a ‘spell’ =, hinting influence of patriotic propaganda they were exposed to (great honour to die for their country, overlooking voluntary suicide)
“And though he came back my mother never spoke again in his presence” - daughter’s voice in direct speech, speaks factually (not descriptive), highlights importance of honour and shame, irony of metaphorical death
Mostly 3rd person from pilot’s daughter
Lack of narration from pilot shows he has been cut off from society
3rd person highlights distance between pilot and daughter
Natural imagery of beauty of nature, “green-blue translucent sea”
Direct speech makes poem personal, daughter’s voice emphasises impact of war on a specific family
“Sunrise” - Japan = land of the rising Sun
Power of Humans Power of Conflict Loss and Absence Memory Individual Experiences Identity
Japan in WW2
Kamikaze - Japanese soldiers suicide missions, plane with explosives to crash into enemy territory
Honourable position, die for your country
First 5 stanzas form 1 sentence, covering account of daughter imagining pilot’s experience
Lack of pilot’s voice - absence of honour