K2,3 A-Z Lottery Flashcards
John kývol
John beckoned for
Lucky ukázala na
Lucky pointed to
ten podvodník tu bol minulú noc
the crook was here last night /krook /
vybral zo snehu niečo lesklé
picked something shiny out of the snow
pohľad hore a dole
glancing up and down
pretlačil cez dvere
pushed through the door
hrnčeky na stole
mugs on the table
fúkal na horúcu čokoládu
blew on his hot chocolate
pustite ma von
let me out
started up
Babička bola šťastný, že takmer nevedela rozprávať
Gramps was so happy he could hardly talk
Myslel som, že bude plakať.
I thought he was going to cry
Posunul sa dopredu na stoličke
He scooted forward in his chair
Zatriasol hlavou
shook his head
mohol to urobiť, keď
he could do it when
sľúbil som, že ich vezmem
I promised I had take them
Nič som mu neurobil
I did not do nothing to him
Predávate cukríky?
Are you selling candy?
kde si to zohnal
where did you get that
mávol rukou smerom k…
He waved his arm toward..