(K) Section 13 Managing a payrol department Flashcards
What is situational leadership?
Use the managment style that fits the demand of the particular job and the employees doing the job
Directing = high task, low relationship Coaching = high task, high relationship Supporting = low task, high relationship Delegating = low task, low relationship
What is principle-centered leadership?
Treat people the way you want to be treated
- security
- guidance
- wisdom
- power
What is empowerment style leadership?
Give the employee(s) the tools to accomplish the objectvie and let them develp the method to accomplish it
- Establish the desired results
- provide guidelines
- identify resources available to accomplish the task
- hod people accountable
- identify consequences
There is no one way is the right way to lead, but managers must be ___ and use management styles that will get the most out of their employees and the most for the company.
Please describe the below management skill:
Strategic planning and organizing
- define goals and objectives
- defining the time frame
- define the subtask
- analyze availabe resource
- evaluating costs
Please describe the below management skill:
- Hiring the right employees
- delegating tasks and responsibility
- training
- training can improve skills and knowledge, not attitude
- link training to payroll’s mission
- types of training opportunities
Please describe the below management skill:
Directing employees
- providing feedback
- listening, an underutilized ability
- coaching
- counseling
- leadership
Please describe the below management skill:
controlling performance 2 different ways
Controlling to imporove employee’s performance
- motivating employees to meet objectives
- the only way to maximize performance is with positive reinforcement
Controlling the process to improve performance
-process managerment/process improvement
Please describe the below management skill:
Managers should be able to create reports.
Reports must: include only the information needed be provided in time be clear and brief not include jargon
Please describe the below management skill:
Conducting and attending meetings
Guidlines for conduction meetings:
- plan according to type of meeting
- prepare for the meeting
- keep the meeting on track
- promote participation
- keep a written record
Meetings are an important vehicle for managers to make their ideas known and to show their leadership ablility.
Please describe the below management skill:
Keep written policies and procedures
Prorper documentation is one of the best ways to ensure uniformity, simplify training, and provide a reference tool for new employees
It’s also a necessity for audits.
Please describe the below management skill:
Crisis management
The ability to prevent and control a crisis.
- preventing a crisis - be proactive
- managing or controlling a crisis
- After the crisis-lessons to be learned
- extracting positives from the crisis
Please describe the below management skill:
Time management
Remember timie is a constant. It cannot be managed. How we use our time can be managerd.
Prioritizing is up to the manager.
Scheduling and delegating - keys to “time managment”
Please describe the below management skill:
Team building
Characteristics of a successsful team
Four stages of team development
- forming
- storming
- norming
- performing
Managing differnt employe styles.
Please describe the below management skill:
Performance evaluations
Is a formal way of providing feedback to employee(s)
Effective performance evaluations:
- objective goals and performance criteria
- managers conducting evaluations are trained
- written guidelines for administering evaluations
- employee who disagree with an evaluation can challenge it and receive futher information
- evaluations system does not place unreasonable constraints on managers
Ineffective performance evaluations
- guilt over negative evaluations
- no accountablility for the manager
- improper application of standards
what are some ways payroll promotes quality customer service?
Customer service in payroll
- reliability
- responsivness
- assurance
- empathy
- tangibles
To instill quality customer service values
- role playing
- case studies
Payroll managers responsibilties is keeping on top of currrent developments in the payroll field. Which require research needs to keep track of?
- tax laws and regulations
- employment laws and regulations
- payroll related web sites
- company policies and procedures
- union contracts
What are some laws and regulations managers must keep up with
-The IRC and IRS regulations
-other IRS guidance
-Federal government resources
=US code
-state government resoureces
-non government resources