K-III Channels, Collaterals, Acupoints Flashcards
- The channels distributing to the back of the body include ( ).
(1) the bladder channel
(2) the kidney channel
(3) the Du channel
(4) the Chong channel
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels passing through the medial aspect of the legs include ( ).
(1) the Liver channel
(2) the spleen channel
(3) the kidney channel
(4) the gallbladder channel
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels linked with the throat include ( ).
(1) the lung channel
(2) the liver channel
(3) the kidney channel
(4) the stomach channel
- E
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels distributing to the cheek include ( ).
(1) the stomach channel
(2) the small intestine channel
(3) the large intestine channel
(4) the bladder channel
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels linked with the “eye system” include ( ).
(1) the spleen channel
(2) the heart channel
(3) the kidney channel
(4) the liver channel
- C
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- Besides the kidney and bladder, the kidney channel is linked with ( ).
(1) the Liver
(2) the heart
(3) the lung
(4) the spleen
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels distributing to the chest and abdomen include ( ).
(1) the kidney channel
(2) the stomach channel
(3) the spleen channel
(4) the liver channel
- E
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels linked with teeth include ( ).
(1) the stomach channel
(2) the kidney channel
(3) the large intestine channel
(4) the lung channel
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The liver channel passes through ( ).
(1) the external genitalia
(2) the lower abdomen
(3) the costal and hypochondriac region
(4) the posterior aspect of the malleolus
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- Besides the liver, the channel is linked with ( ).
(1) the gallbladder
(2) the lung
(3) the stomach
(4) the heart
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channel(s) entering the brain include(s) ( ).
(1) the Du channel
(2) the liver channel
(3) the bladder channel
(4) the gallbladder channel
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channel(s) distributing to the ear include(s) ( ).
(1) Hand-Shaoyang
(2) Hand-Taiyang
(3) Foot-Taiyang
(4) Foot-Yangming
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channel(s) distributing to the lips include(s) ( ).
(1) the large intestine channel
(2) the liver channel
(3) the stomach channel
(4) the Ren channel
- E
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channels distributing to the forehead include ( ).
(1) the stomach channel
(2) the liver channel
(3) the bladder channel
(4) the large intestine channel
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channel(s) entering the lung include(s) ( ).
(1) the heart channel
(2) the spleen channel
(3) the kidney channel
(4) the pericardium channel
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The channel(s) meeting at Zhong.ji (Ren 3) and Guanyuan (Ren 4) are ( ).
(1) the spleen
(2) the liver
(3) the kidney
(4) the stomach
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The indications the points of the three yang channels of the foot have in common are ( ).
(1) mental illness
(2) disorders of the eyes
(3) febrile diseases
(4) disorders of the ears
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The indications the points of the three yang channels of the hand have in common are ( ).
(1) disorders of the forehead, face, nose, mouth and teeth
(2) disorders of the temporal and hypochondriac regions
(3) disorders of the occipital and scapula regions and mental illness
(4) disorders of the eye and throat and febrile diseases
- D
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The indications the points of the three yin channels of the foot have in common are ( ).
(1) disorders of the eye and throat
(2) disorders of the external genitalia
(3) mental illness
(4) gynaecological diseases
- C
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The indications the points of three yin channels of the hand have in common are ( ).
(1) mental illness
(2) febrile diseases
(3) disorders of the ear
(4) disorders of the chest
- D
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- The indications the points of the Ren and Du channels have in common are ( ) .
(1) disorders of Zang-Fu organs
(2) mental illness
(3) gynaecological disorders
(4) febrile diseases
- A
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- Tanzhong (Ren 17) is one of ( ).
(1) the eight influential points
(2) the eight confluent points
(3) the Front-Mu points
(4) the Back-Shu points
- B
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- Hegu (LI 4) is ( ).
(1) a Luo-Connecting point
(2) a Xi-Cleft point
(3) a Jing-River point
(4) a Yuan-Primary point
- D
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct
- Lieque (L 7) is ( ).
(1) a Xi-Cleft point
(2) a Luo-Connecting point
(3) a Jing-River point
(4) a confluent point
- C
A: 1,2,3; B: 1,3; C: 2,4; D:4
E: all answers are correct