k Flashcards
What does the setting of the opening scene suggest about the rest of the novel? What does it suggest about family structure?
The women do not have much control. All about gender roles.
What does the turtle symbolize in chapter 3
Very persistent and resilient
What opinions does Casy, the former preacher, have about sin and using “bad words”?
Just something people do
How do the tractors operate?
They go across the land and takes down/run over anything
What role does the bank play?
The bank is the one paying the tractor driver to clear the land and are the ones taking the land.
What power do the small farmers have against the banks and the tractors?
They have no power against the band and the tractors
Muley is someone that wants to help.
Family friend back home, family was forced off land but he stayed
Character that refuses to leave oklahoma
What’s the difference between being the hunter and being the hunted?
The hunter has more power and the hunted are just running for themselves and their family. Hunter: bank strong Hunted:the people, helpless and more aware
What does Ma’s burning of the old stationary box illustrate?
It’s like burning the past, giving things up and moving on
What is the first unpleasant event that occurs on the Joads’ journey? What does that event portend about what lies ahead?
Dog dies by getting run over by a car on the highway
That they need to know what they are doing and not wander around over wise they won’t be prepared in case something unexpected happens
What happens to solidify the family as they drive along?
They meet the Wilsons (Ivy is the dad, Sarie is the mom)
Of what significance is Grampa Joad’s death?
It was a stroke, It was good and quick, he didn’t suffer
makes them realise they need to work as a team to succeed
How does Grandma take it?
She takes it well and doesn’t comprehend it, took it with dignity and held her head high
What is the value of Casy’s prayer?
The prayer helps grandma. Even though casey no longer has faith he is willing to help them get through hard times with prayer
What does Chapter 15 imply about businessmen, waitresses, and truck drivers?
that waitresses don’t like the migrant workers or the snobby tourists but she likes the truck drivers because they have money