k Flashcards
What does the setting of the opening scene suggest about the rest of the novel? What does it suggest about family structure?
The women do not have much control. All about gender roles.
What does the turtle symbolize in chapter 3
Very persistent and resilient
What opinions does Casy, the former preacher, have about sin and using “bad words”?
Just something people do
How do the tractors operate?
They go across the land and takes down/run over anything
What role does the bank play?
The bank is the one paying the tractor driver to clear the land and are the ones taking the land.
What power do the small farmers have against the banks and the tractors?
They have no power against the band and the tractors
Muley is someone that wants to help.
Family friend back home, family was forced off land but he stayed
Character that refuses to leave oklahoma
What’s the difference between being the hunter and being the hunted?
The hunter has more power and the hunted are just running for themselves and their family. Hunter: bank strong Hunted:the people, helpless and more aware
What does Ma’s burning of the old stationary box illustrate?
It’s like burning the past, giving things up and moving on
What is the first unpleasant event that occurs on the Joads’ journey? What does that event portend about what lies ahead?
Dog dies by getting run over by a car on the highway
That they need to know what they are doing and not wander around over wise they won’t be prepared in case something unexpected happens
What happens to solidify the family as they drive along?
They meet the Wilsons (Ivy is the dad, Sarie is the mom)
Of what significance is Grampa Joad’s death?
It was a stroke, It was good and quick, he didn’t suffer
makes them realise they need to work as a team to succeed
How does Grandma take it?
She takes it well and doesn’t comprehend it, took it with dignity and held her head high
What is the value of Casy’s prayer?
The prayer helps grandma. Even though casey no longer has faith he is willing to help them get through hard times with prayer
What does Chapter 15 imply about businessmen, waitresses, and truck drivers?
that waitresses don’t like the migrant workers or the snobby tourists but she likes the truck drivers because they have money
When the car breaks down, what is significant about Ma’s reaction?
That she doesn’t want to lose them again
How does the one-eyed man in the junkyard feel about the owner of the yard?
He doesn’t like cause he doesn’t let him go on dates.
What advice does Tom give him?
Tom tells him to take a shower, get an eye patch and to live his life.
In the camping area, what information does the ragged man give to Pa about California? What effect does that information have on the Joads?
That its really bad and there is no work. The Joads don’t want to believe it and kinda ignore it.
What effect does the nightly camping have on the people heading for California? How does it give them strength and power?
It gives them a sense of support and family because everyone helps each other out and they share stories and songs. It gives them strength because they can connect and they know everyone is feeling scared and together, if they stick together they will be stronger.
What is the Joads’ first view of California? What impressions of California do the two men from the Panhandle provide?
There first view of California was desert and hot, it was depressing. The mens impression is they feel unworthy and unwelcomed. If you were from the Panhandle you were an outcast.
Why does Noah leave? What is Ma’s response?
He does not want to leave because he knows it is good and will find food and water. She is upset and says the family is falling apart.
Why are the migrants called “Okies”?
They were originally called that because they were from oklahoma but now it just means scum and dirt. They are called this by the californians don’t want them to feel welcome and want them to leave
What do the two boys in the service station in Needles say about Okies?
The boys say that Okies aren’t human, that a human wouldn’t live the way they do. They say that Okies got no sense and feelings
Of what symbolic value is the desert?
The desert symbolizes the hardships they will face once they get into deeper california. When in the desert it did not look how they thought it looked but once they crossed the desert it was very green and almost everything they imagined but it was not being used how they thought it would.
What do Ma’s reactions again show about her?
That she is falling apart and that the loss and journey is really getting to her and weighing her down. Strong hope for a new life. Willing to sacrifice
How has farming changed according to Chapter 19?
Farming has changed because larger plantations are making the smaller ones go bankrupt. They are also not farming all the land they could. Become more like shopkeepers.
What are the “three great facts of history”, and what do they imply about the outcome of the events in this novel?
3 greats facts of history:
1) when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away.
2) When a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need.
3) And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history.
- They imply that what happens in history will always be repeated and a revolution is sure to come, no matter what.
What advice does Floyd Knowles give?
Floyd tells the people that they shouldn’t work for someone without a license and that if they keep agreeing to work for less they will never get payed more.
How do the police treat the migrants?
The police treat the migrants very poorly. Because they see them as people with no money and people that cause trouble. They also don’t want them to unite and rebel.
What does Casy’s attack on the deputy reveal about him? Why is Uncle John so upset?
It reveals that Casy will do what is right and stand up for innocent people. Uncle John is mad about that Casy took the blame for Floyd.
What causes Connie to leave?
Connie left because he didn’t California would be like this and he couldn’t take it anymore.
What does Ma Joad mean when she says “Why, we’re the people-we go on”?
Tell them to keep going and not give up, she is not going to let anything to get her mad. And that they are the ones willing to fight not the rich people.