Just Culture, D/C Planning, End Of Life & Palliative Care (organ & tissue donation, advance directives, care withholding, family presence) Flashcards
keep instructions short and concise, immediately understandable
reinforce w/ written instructions, in patients language, review w family if illiterate, explain to elderly d/t decreased vision
assess effectiveness
d/c planning
irreversible cessation of circulatory or resp function or brain death
determination of death
elevate head 20-30 degrees, instill artificial tears and tape eyelids shut w/ paper tape, apply ice over eyes
corneal donation
written guide detailing a patients wishes; prepared when a patient is competent; enacted when the patient loses decision-making capacity
advance directive
allows an individual to declare what treatments an individual does and does not want; applies only to terminal illness or a vegetative state
living will
designates a surrogate decision maker when an individual is unable to make their own decisions
durable power of attorney for health care
may limit CPR or intubation, but does not withhold comfort measures such as pain relief or oxygen
physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (DNR)
to alleviate physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual suffering and to promote quality end of life (for patient and family)
palliative care
gives closure, reduces questioning of events and care, obtain patient hx
family presence