Jurisdiction Flashcards
what cases are under the exclusive original jurisdiction of the NRLC?
- certified by the Secretary of Labor Art 263 or by the President Art 264
- injunction cases under art 218 and 264
- Contempt cases
what cases are under the exclusive and appellate jurisdiction of the NRLC?
- those decided by the labor arbiters under art217(b) and RA8042 migrant workers act
- those decided by the DOLE in excercise of its adjudicatory functions under art 129 over monetary claims of workers the amount of which does not exceed P5,000
what cases are under the exclusive original jurisdiction of labor arbiters
- claims for DAMAGES arising from er-ee relations
- termination cases
- claims involving wages, rate of pay, hours of work and other t&c of employment when accompanied by claim for REINSTATEMENT
- ULP cases
- VIOLATIONS of art 264 (prohibited activities) including QUESTIONS involving illegality of strike and lockout
- WAGE distortion disputes in UNorganized establishments which are not voluntarily settled
- OVERSEAS contract workers under migrant workers act of 1995
- claims arising from ER-EE relations, including domestic exceeding P5,000 regardless of w/n accompanied by claim for reinstatement; exclusing claims for SPEM
- enforcement of COMPROMISE agreements when any party fails to comply
- OTHER cases as may be provided by law
where should certiorari cases against NLRC decisions be filed?
CA under rule 65
Conditions on the exercise of the labor arbiter of its original exclusive jurisdiction
- there must be an ER-EE relationship between the parties
- there is reasonable causal connection between the claim asserted and the er-ee relations
- disputes involving money claims must arise from contracts or statutes NOT under CBA
when should the labor arbiter refer the case to grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration?
disputes on
1. interpretation and implementation of CBA
2. interpretation and enforcement of any company personnel policy
Where should cases be filed when they involve issues that may be decided by the labor arbiter?
RAB having jurisdiction over the WORKPLACE of the complainant/petitioner
where should a case cognizable by the labor arbiter be filed when the complainant is an overseas worker?
either where the complainant resides or principal office of the respondent employer, at the OPTION of the complainant/petitioner
What are the powers of the NLRC?
- rule making power - includes internal matters, disposition of cases and others necessary to carry out the purpose of the labor code
- power to INVESTIGATE - to investigate matters and hear disputes , original and appellate jurisdiction
- power to issue INJUNCTIONS and restraining orders
- power to issue COMPULSORY processes including service of summons, subpoena and administering oaths
- CONTEMPT power
- OCULAR inspection
What are the powers and functions of the NLRC en banc?
- rules and regulations on hearing and deciding cases of before any of its divisions or regional branches
- policies affecting ITS administration and operation
- on a temporary or emergency basis, to transfer cases within jurisdiction of a division to any other division whose docket permits additional cases
What are the powers and functions of the NRLC in division?
- adjudicatory
- all other functions, powers and duties
- exclusive appellate jurisdiction over their territorial jurisdiction
What is the composition of the NLRC
24 members 1 chair 23 members 8 members from employer orgs 8 members from worker orgs 7 members from public sector 1 chair from public sector
What is the composition of the NLRC divisions?
8 divisions with 3 members each
Procedure for the issuance of TRO
- There must be a labor DISPUTE
- filing of a verified PETITION
- hearing after personal notice to 1) all known persons against whom the writ is sought to be issued and 2) chief executive or public officers of the province or city in which the lawful acts have been threatened to be committed or already committed, charged with protection of the property of the complainant
- reception of testimony with opportunity for cross examination
- FINDING of FACT (that there was unlawful or prohibited act; that there will be substantial irreparable damage; that the public officer unable or unwilling to protect; that there will be greater damage to complainant than to defendant; and that there is no adequate remedy at lawGround
- posting of a BOND
Grounds for appeal TO the NLRC
- that the decision, order or award was secured through fraud or coercion or graft or corruption
- made purely on questions of LAW
- serious ERRORS in the findings of facts which would cause grave OR irreparable damage or injury to the appellant
- PRIMA facie evidence of grave abuse of discretion on the part of the labor arbiter