June 2015 Flashcards
Child has caries extending to the pulp on 6. What are the treatment options with least destructive first and briefly describe
- ) Stepwise
- Removes caries in stages over two visits
- Allows the pulp time to lay down reparative dentine - ) PCR
- Remove infected dentine and leave affected dentine - ) Indirect pulp cap
- Placing CaOH over a thin layer of soft dentine over the pulp - ) Direct pulp cap
- CaOH over the exposed pulp - stimulates reparative dentine formation - ) Partial Pulpotomy
- Inflamed pulp tissue beneath an exposure is removed to a depth of 1-3mm or deeper to reach healthy pulp tissue - ) Coronal pulpotomy:
- Remove coronal portion of pulp - ) RCT
- ) XLA
Describe what factors would influence decision
• Symptoms:
- Extent of caries/condition of pulp
• Age of patient:
- open apices
- cooperation
- Patient wishes
- Radiograph
- Development of 7
- Occlusion
Paeds and ethics - Mum is concerned about her 9 yr old still having baby teeth what would you tell her
- Normal to still have baby teeth at that age
* Only worry if asymmetrical or > 6 months later than expected
What baby teeth would she still have?
• C D E
What things would you ask he about with it being her first time
• Social hx - lives with/attended with
- MH
- DH
- Any complaints - pain/appearance
- OH methods - toothpaste kind, how many times a day, who brushes, supervised?
- Diet - favourite foods/drinks
- ) You decide to XLA and she keeps bleeding and her mum decides to sue for negligence and goes to papers and they ask you for a response. What ethical area does this concern?
- ) Describe whether you should reply to the media
- ) Describe whether you should sue for deformation
- ) What are the 2 problems with talking to the media
1.) • Confidentiality
- ) • No
- Proffessional conduct more important than ‘justice’
- Only breach if benefits patient. Personal gain not acceptable - ) • No:
- Time and money
- Get paper to print a retraction
4.) Misquoting and breaching confidentiality
Paeds ectopic canine - A child of 12 comes to you for 1st time and you notice palatally impacted canines how can you tell its palatally clinically
- Missing palatal bulge
- Angulation of lateral
- Lack of C mobility
- Spacing
- Parallax (rads)
What other imaging could you do to determine where canine is
2 surgical options and describe them
- Expose and align
- Cut palatally around soft tissue and remove bone
- Cut palate to expose canine and suture a pack of gauze in place
- Review 10 days later
- Ensure soft tissues dont heal over and leave
- When pt. presenting with ectopic canines late in life as they have less eruption potential
- Bond chain onto canine and suture palate back over
Describe the parallax technique
- 2 views - OPT and upper standard occlusal
- Compare the OPT with the upper standard occlusal and the change of position of the canine relative to the shift of the x-ray tube
- If the tube and canine move in same direction - canine displaced lingually and if opposite then canine displaced buccally
Principles of preparation of posterior tooth for a crown?
- Minimal tooth reduction
- Marginal integrity
- Structural durability
- Resistance and retention
- Preservation of the periodontium
What crown materials can be used for RPD abutments?
4 crown material options for a posterior tooth
• Gold • PFM • All ceramic: - zirconia - glass infiltrated alumina
What could you do to the crown for an RPD abutment
- Implement guideplane
- Rest seats
- Alter undercut for POI/POD
- Mill for clasps
Describe the method of producing a metal restoration by hand
• Create wax template:
shape to match adjacent tooth
• Investing:
- Make a mould of the wax pattern and channel a sprue into the mould which allows metal to be casted into the mould
- Burnout wax
- Cast metal at specific temperature
- Remove sprue
- Trim and polish
• Finishing:
- De-vesting = removal of the refractory investment material from the casting
- Precious metals cleaned with acid solution and non precious shot blasted with AlO2 particles
- Series of abrasives and final polish