Jumpspeak (Not Annoying Level) Flashcards
___________ (What time is the meeting) con Amelia
A qué hora es la reunion con Amelia? (What time is the meeting with Amelia)
A _______ (one o’clock)
A la una (At one o’clock)
________ (honestly) no sé.
La verdad, no sé (Honestly I don’t know
__________ (Maybe she meant to say) a la 1 acá
Tal vez quería decir a la 1 acá (Maybe she meant to say at 1 oclock there)
_____ (I don’t think so)
No creo (I don’t think so)
_________ (It looks like it)
Parece que sí (It looks like it)
Solo _________ (if I can) ver Netflix
Solo si ya pueda ver Netlix (Only if I can watch Netflix)
Es ___________ (the smartest idea)
Es la idea más inteligente (That is the smartest idea)
No __________ (wasn’t a compliment)
No era un complido (it wasn’t a compliment)
____________ (I’m not sure)
No estoy segura (I’m not sure)
__________ (I want to do) algo diferente – I want to do something different
Quiro hacer algo diferente (I want to do something different)
_____________ (How can I help you?)
Cómo le puedo ayudar (How can I help you?)
_________, (oh wow) me gusta
Que chido, me gusta (Oh wow! I like it.)
____________ (I already told you)
Ya te dije (I already told you)
________ (Really?)
Really? – De veras?