Julius Caesar Timeline Flashcards
Caesar was born
c. 100 BCE
Caesar is made dictator for life
44 BCE
Caesar refuses to have a bodyguard protect him despite being warned of personal danger
44 BCE
Caesar is assassinated
The Ides of March, 15 March 44 BCE
Sulla’s proclamation sent Caesar into hiding
c. 85 BCE
Caesar was elected quaestor and obtained a seat in the senate
68-67 BCE
Caesar pardons Brutus and Pompey flees to Egypt
48 BCE
Caesar was elected military tribune
72 BCE
Caesar swims one-handed, using the other to hold important papers above the water, towing his purple cloak by holding it in his teeth so that it would not be captured by the Egyptians
47 BCE
‘The Gallic Wars’ is published
51 BCE
Caesarion is born
47 BCE
Caesar is reported to say, “Veni, vedi, vici.”
47 BCE
Caesar led a three month expedition to Britain
54 BCE
Caesar has coins minted with his face on them
45 BCE
Caesar was awarded the civic crown (oak leaves) for saving the life of a citizen in battle
c. 79 BCE