Julius Caesar Test Flashcards
Who are the 8 conspirators?
Brutus, Cassius, Decius, Casca, Cinna, Trebonius, Metellus, Cauis Legarious
What are the 5 stipulations for Antony speaking at Caesar’s Funeral?
- Can’t blame the conspirators
- Speak good of Caesar
- Say you speak w/ their permission
- Speak at same pulpit as Brutus
- Speak after Brutus
Who is Brutus’s wife?
How did Portia kill herself?
She swallowed hot coals
Who is Portia’s brother?
Young Cato
The play opens on February 15, the feast of what?
Flavius and Marullus are what
Public officials
Who touches Calpurnia during the race?
Who can’t have kids?
Cassius tries to persuade whom that Caesar is a threat to Rome?
Who doesn’t want Caesar to be king?
Cassius saved Caesar from drowning in what river?
Tibet river
Does Caesar accept the crown offered to him by Mark Antony?
What happens on the night before the idea of March?
A violent storm
Who does Cassius want to join his political group?
Although it is night Brutus is able to read the letter Lucius brings him because
Meteors have illuminated the sky
Brutus decides to join the conspirators because he truly believes
That their intentions are for the good of Rome
The influential Roman who is considered unfit for the conspiracy is
Brutus convinces the conspirators to spare Antony’s life because he is
Not a threat without Caesar
Portia is worried about Brutus because she thinks he is
Keeping a terrible secret from her
Calpurnia fears for Caesar’s life because she
Had an ominous dream
Decius encourages Caesar to leave the house by telling him that
He might appear weak if he stays at home
Who prepares a letter of warning to give to Caesar as he passes on his way to the Senate?
At the end of Act II Lucius is confused about what to do because
Portia is so upset that her directions are unclear
Who promises Portia he will find an empty spot on the path Caesar takes to the Senate and warn him of the imminent danger
The soothsayer
When Act III opens Caesar says that the ______Of March have arrived
______ is nervous because he thinks Caesar knows of the conspiracy to kill him
Caesar has vanished Metellus Cimber’s_____ from Rome
As soon as Caesar is assassinated, _____ rushes home in amazement
The conspirators dip their hands in ______
Caesar’s blood
Cassius tells Brutus that Antony should not be permitted to speak at ______
Caesar’s funeral
The crowd reacts favorably to Brutus’ speech because he claims he killed Caesar for ________.
The good of Rome
The Roman Citizens demand Antony to read _______
Caesar’s will
Antony plans to meet with ______ and Lepidus at Caesar’s house.
The crowd attacks _______ the poet because they mistake him for one of the conspirators.
Antony thinks Lepidus is
Brutus accuses Cassius of
Taking bribes
In his argument with Brutus, Cassius shows that he is _______
After they reconcile their differences, Brutus tells Cassius that Portia has_________
Killed herself
Messala claims that Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus have ordered the deaths of one hundred________
Cassius demonstrates his good faith in Brutus’ judgement by allowing him to________.
Plan their next battle strategy
Varro and Claudius sleep in Brutus’ tent because they may have to _______
Be ready to deliver a message to Cassius
A ghost appears to Brutus as he _______
Sits down to read
The ghost identifies himself as ________
Brutus’ evil spirit
The ghost says that he will see Brutus ___________
At Philippi
The four leaders in the battle are Brutus, Cassius, Antony, and ________
________ did not expect Brutus and Cassius to come to Philippi
The battle of Philippi took place on _________ birthday
Pindarus tells Cassius that _______ has been captured.
________ gains his freedom after he stabs Cassius
Titinius stabs himself with _________ sword
________ fools Antony’s men by pretending to be Brutus
Brutus runs on his sword while it is held by ______
Antony calls ______ “the most noblest Roman of them all.”
Octavius plans to honor Brutus by giving him a _______
Military funeral