Julius Caesar Act 1 and 2 Flashcards
“These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wings will make him fly an ordinary pitch.”
Flavius–take some of Caesar’s power, too egotistical
“The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”
Cassius–power to change your destiny
“For I believe they are portentous things.”
Casca–afraid of the events in Rome (crazy weather…)
“Him and his worth and our great need of him.”
Cassius–needs Brutus for the plan to work
“Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;I He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.”
fearful of Cassius
“I win this night in served hands, in at his window throw as if they come from several citizens…”
Cassius has Cinna deliver fake letters to Brutus, wants him to believe people want him to rule
“Let us carve him as a dish fit fro the gods.”
Brutus–wants Caesar’s death to look like a sacrifice
“For he is superstitious grown of late.”
Cassius– worried Caesar wont show
“How foolish do your fears seem now Calphurnia!”
Caesar after he speaks with Decius
“I prithee, boy run to the Senate House.”
Portia sending Lucius to the Capitol