Jujutsu Belt test Flashcards
Origin of Jujutsu
Jujutsu Belt Test
Translation of “Jujutsu.”
Art of Flexibility
Jujutsu Belt Test
Known length of Jujutsu’s history?
Over 2000
Jujutsu Belt Test
Official System of Jujutsu as taught by the Heiwashinkai Institute?
Heiwashinkai Jujutsu
Jujutsu Belt Test
Meaning of Heiwashinkai Jujutsu.
Peaceful Spirit Association of the Art of Flexibility
Jujutsu Belt Test
Basic Martial Arts Etiquette
Jujutsu Belt Test
What is Happo Undo exercises?
i. Four corners Push Drag forward,
ii. Shift 180 Push drag forward,
iii. turn 90 with back leg becoming lead,
iv. Push drag forward, shift 180,
v. push drag forward,
vi. Step through 45,
vii. Push drag forward,
viii. Shift 180 push drag forward,
ix. Shift 90 back leg becomes your lead,
x. push drag forward,
xi. 180 Shift,
xii. push drag forward.
Jujutsu Belt Test
What is Tenkan Undo exercise?
i. Back hand forward blade of the hand facing forward,
ii. Step through,
iii. plant new lead leg
iv. shift backleg around to face opposite direction
Jujutsu Belt Test
What is Kokyu-ho Undo exercise?
i. Step right foot across the left,
ii. step your left out to the left,
iii. arms circle around and stop in a fighting stance
iv. Repeat to the right
Jujutsu Belt Test
What is Sayu Undo exercise?
i. Right hand starts out and left hand start at the knot both palms up,
ii. Drop hands,
iii. hands come up to the left just like the right,
iv. sink,
v. repeat
Jujutsu Belt Test
What is Ude-Furi Undo exercise?
i. One hand starts palm up above your knot and one hand palm up,
ii. use hips to switch hands,
iii. repeat
Jujutsu Belt Test
Ude Gatme
Arm Lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ude Gatame?
i. From the rear cross shoulder grab,
ii. Attacker pulls you around to punch you,
iii. Step back and backfist as you chicken block,
iv. none backfisting hand grabs arm on your shoulder as your fisting hand goes to the elbow and you hand traps hand,
v. Push the person up and over,
vi. Bring person in so arm is straight up and down,
vii. Back hands to the elbow,
viii. Twist backwards,
ix. Drop to one knee
Jujutsu Belt Test
Hiji Gatame
Elbow Lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Hiji Gatame?
i. Attacker hook punchs,
ii. Spair block,
iii. Step to the attacker side
iv. Outboard hand wraps around the arm,
v. Figure four lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
Soto Hiji Gatme
Outside Elbow Lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Soto Hiji Gatame?
i. Same side grab,
ii. Counter grab with free hand,
iii. Same side leg as grabbed arm steps between,
iv. Hand that was grab eblows attacker in the face to straighten arm,
v. Arm that elbows goes up and over to figure 4
Jujutsu Belt Test
Uchi Hiji Gatme
Inside Elbow Lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Uchi Hiji Gatame?
i. Hook punch,
ii. Step to the side block and chop,
iii. Grab wrist and turn attacker palm up,
iv. Outside leg step in with an upper cut (straight attackers arm),
v. Upper cut arm does a wrap to a figure 4
Jujutsu Belt Test
Ude Garami
Arm Entanglement
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ude Garame (overhead)?
i. Over head attack,
ii. Step in same side upper block with an upper cut,
iii. push drag in as needed,
iv. block arm stays and other arm cross from behind,
v. Lock,
vi. Step lead leg back to take them down,
vii. Start the lawnmower lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ude Garami (backfist)?
i. Attacker backfist,
ii. set forward to a 45 double block,
iii. hand closest to the wrist grabs the wrist,
iv. other arm figure fours the hand (lock elbow into your chest),
v. Step forward leg back to take him down,
vi. bring hand in(knee on the ribs).
Jujutsu Belt Test
Kote Jime
Pressing wrist lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Kote Jime?
i. Attack same side wrist grab,
ii. Step to the grab side doing a shield block for a punch,
iii. Hammerfist,
iv. move the grabbed hand outward as you counter grab,
v. continue the circle using the grabbed hand to put pressure on the thumb,
vi. Once bent over grab attackers hand with both of yours,
vii. Wrist lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
Ude Osae Omote
Arm Press Forward
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ude Osae Omote?
i. Attack Cross wrist grab,
ii. leg on grabbed side steps in,
iii. grabbed hand circles in,
iv. when hand gets to head level press forward,
v. free hand goes to the attackers elbow,
vi. back leg steps through as you force them to bend over into standing armbar,
Jujutsu Belt Test
Ude Osae Ura
Arm Press Rear
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ude Osae Ura?
i. Attack over head strick,
ii. Cross hand grabs high thumb down with the same side leg forward,
iii. free hand grabs the elbow thumb up,
iv. step through as you push into the attackers head,
v. backleg steps around behind as you drop to one knee,
vi. Place attacker arm on top of your leg,
vii. push forward with hips
Jujutsu Belt Test
De Ashi Harai
Advanced foot sweep
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do De Ashi Harai
i. Standard grip,
ii. Walk backwards with attacker,
iii. from the side swip the attackers stepping leg across their body
Jujutsu Belt Test
Hiza Guruma
Knee Wheel Throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Hiza Guruma
i. Standard grip,
ii. Walk back with attacker following,
iii. don’t step and turn base leg 90degrees,
iv. Place foot on the attackers base leg just below the knee,
v. Upper body pulls
Jujutsu Belt Test
Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
Foot Stop Throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
i. Same as Hiza Guruma,
ii. foot goes to anchle not knee
Jujutsu Belt Test
Kasi Guruma
Scarf Hold
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Kasi Guruma
i. (Scarf Hold) Attacker is on his back,
ii. arm around his with it around as tight as it can be,
iii. Their close arm is around your waist with your free hand holding his elbow,
iv. Leg close to his head is under his shoulder,
v. Other Leg is kicked back,
vi. Weight is on their chest
Jujutsu Belt Test
Kata Gatame
Shoulder Hold
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Kata Gatame
i. Start in Kasa Gatame,
ii. Attackers arm gets free,
iii. Push it over their head,
iv. put your head on their busept,
v. make a fist with the hand around the neck and stick wrist bone out,
vi. other hand grabs the wrist and pull in as your roll your body forward
Jujutsu Belt Test
Okura Ashi Harai
Gathering Foot Sweep
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Okura Ashi Harai
i. Standard grip,
ii. Walk sideways,
iii. Lift attacker as you walk,
iv. Turn attacker like a wheel toward the direction you are going,
v. Push is trailing anchle into his lead leg,
vi. Turn the wheel the other way.
Jujutsu Belt Test
Harai Tsurie Komi Ashi
Sweeping Lifting Pulling Foot Throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Harai Tsurie Komi Ashi
i. Standered grip,
ii. walk toward your attacker.
1. They walk backwards
iii. On one of the steps speed up and use your stepping leg to push your attackers same side anchle into their base leg,
iv. Pull the attacker over the shoulder that you swiped with.
Jujutsu Belt Test
Tsubame Gaeshi
Swallow Counter
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Tsubame Geeshi
i. Bait them to do De Ashi Harai,
ii. When they do your foot runs and does De Ashi Harai
Jujutsu Belt Test
Wake Gatame
Elbow Lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Wake Gatame
i. Attacer grabs same side lapel,
ii. Step to the side of the grab,
iii. far hand shield blocks and hammerfist,
iv. Back hand from a diamond around the attacker grabing hand wrist,
v. Grab Wrist,
vi. step some side leg across the attacker as you take that elbow up and over,
vii. Drop shoulder closest to the attacker
Jujutsu Belt Test
Kiri Otoshi
Cutting Drop
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Kiri Otoshi
i. You attack with and arm drag,
ii. Move around the attacker,
iii. Continue to moving in a circle as you drag your hands up their chest and down.
Jujutsu Belt Test
Ko Soto Gari
Minor Outside Reaping Throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Ko Soto Gari
i. Do a Kiri Otoshi but fail,
ii. Keep turning and same side hand grabs their wrist thumb up,
iii. Other hand grabs collar from behind,
iv. Turn a big wheel to their back with you on their side,
v. Sweep close leg
Jujutsu Belt Test
Tsuri Goshi
Pulling Hip Throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Tsuri Goshi
i. Standard grip stiff arm,
ii. the arm that the elbow is being held comes up in over and around,
iii. Step in as you reach over and grab the Gi on the back tight,
iv. Hip throw.
Jujutsu Belt Test
Wrist Turning throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Kote-Gaeshi
i. Attacker grabs lapel,
ii. Step toward the side that is grabed and shield block,
iii. Hammer fist,
iv. Shift toward the attacker,
v. you push the hand off and step back,
vi. Step back forward and shift 180 as you do the lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
Soto Ude Garami
Side Arm Entanglement
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do Soto Ude Garami
i. Attacker does a front bear hug arms free,
ii. Step to one side shift toward you attacker hook the arm to dip his shoulder,
iii. other hand grabs his free bisept,
iv. Do a figure 4 lock
Jujutsu Belt Test
Koho Ukemi
i. Basic rear Breakfall
Jujutsu Belt Test
Yoko Ukemi
i. Basic side breakfall
Jujutsu Belt Test
Zempo Kaiten Ukemi
i. Forward Rolling Breakfall
Jujutsu Belt Test
O Goshi
Major hip throw
Jujutsu Belt Test
How do you do O Goshi
i. Attacker attacks with a round house punch,
ii. Step to the side block and chop,
iii. Step in with an upper cut to the ribs,
iv. Step in with both of your feet between his,
v. blocking hand grabs punching wrist and uppercutting hand goes around the wais
vi. Pull attacker and left,
Jujutsu Belt Test