jugular and right atrial pressure Flashcards
in atrial pressure what do a wave, c wave, x descent, v wave and y descent represent?
a wave: atrial contraction c wave: isovolumetric contraction x descent: atrial relaxation, valve descends v wave: atrial filling y wave: filling of ventricle
AV first degree block
PR interval is greater than 0.20 seconds
AV second degree block
two types
type 1 Mobitz 1 or Wenkeback - progressive prolongation of PR
type 2 Mobitz II - PR remains unchanged but suddenly fails to conduct to ventricles
AV third degree block
no association between P and QRS
Simple ST segment elevation means
Acute ischemia
ST elevation; decreased R wave, Q wave begins
Hours of ischemia
T wave inversion and deeper Q wave
days 1-2 of ischemia
ST normalizes, T wave inverted
days later past inschemia
ST ans T normal, Q wave persists means
weeks after ischemia
EKG: ST elevation II, III, aVF
ST depression V1, V2, V3 or I, aVL
auction MI inferior
determining heart rate
R-R interval, count large boxes and divide into three hundred
three main signs of infarct or injury
T wave reversals
ST segment elevation
Q waves significant
Heart circle: top and bottom degreews, left and right
top: -90
bottom: 90
left = 180
right = 0
what is in right upper quadrant of circle?
-90 to 0 degrees quadrant
at -30 aVL (left, makes sense)
at 0 lead I
what is in right lower quadrant of circle
0 to 90 degrees 30 60 90 at 60 lead II at 90 aVF (foot, botom)
what is left lower quadrant of circle
90 degrees to 180 degrees 120 150 180 at 120 lead III
what is left upper quadrant of cricle
180 to -90 degrees
- 150
- 120
- 90
- 150 I have aVR
how does baroreceptor reflex affect pressure
via medulla, pns or sns, CO and systemic peripheral resistance
six steps for EKG evaluation
Rate Rhythm Interval Axis Hypertrophy Infarct
How do you determine rate
R R segment, no of large boxes divided into 300
Rhythm determination 4 steps
- are there P waves
- is QRS wide or narrow
- is rhythm regular
- who’s married to whom; P related to QRS
How do you determine normalcy of PR interval?
PR too short if less than 3 little boxes
PR too long is larger than 1 large box