Judicial Branch Flashcards
What is the purpose of the judicial branch
To Interpret laws
How do people become federal judges
Are appointed by President
Must be approved by senate
No requirements needed
Current chief justice
John Roberts
How long are federal judges allowed to serve for
For life
Or resign
When is supreme court in session
First Monday of October
Tier system
Supreme Court = 1 court, 9 justices () Court of appeals = 12 courts, 3 justices () District court = 94 courts, 1 justice
Who is the most important justice from history
Who was he appointed to
Who did he give his presidency to
John Marshall
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
What was his purpose on the bench
To prevent Thomas Jefferson from downsizing the national government
Marburg vs Madison
Established judicial review
Judicial review
the ability to review any law/bill/executive order
Plessy vs Furguson
Separate but equal was constitutional
Brown vs board of education
Separate but equal was unconstitutional
Gregg vs Georgia
The death penalty did not violate the 8th amendment
Miranda vs Arizona
Police officers must tell arrested people their rights under the law
Bush vs Gore
Decision that you cannot have continual recounts
Heart of Atlanta Motel vs United States
Hotels/motels cannot discriminate based on race/ethnicity/religion/gender etc.
Korematsu vs United States
The need to protect against Espionage outweighed the rights of citizens
Gideon vs Wainwright
Citizens have the right to an attorney and even if they cannot afford one
Texas vs Johnson
Burning of the national flag is protected under expression in the first amendment
Judicial activism
The court should pay a more active role in creating National policies and answering questions of conflict in society
Judicial restraint
The court should operate strictly within the limits of the constitution and the only answer questions if a clear violation of the Constitution is present