judicial Flashcards
what are the 3 functions of an arraignment
1 formally read the charges being brought against the suspect
2 formally tell the evidence against the suspect
3 plead guilty or not guilty
what is the role of prosecution
to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt
exclusive jurisdiction
only federal courts may hear and decide a case
to send that case back to the lower court to be heard again
ordered to appear in court
original jurisdiction
the authority to hear cases for the first time
district court
where trials are held and lawsuits begin
appellate jurisdiction
authority of the court to hear a case appealed from a lower court
dissenting opinion
the minority opinion of the courts decision or ruling
written or taped testimony given while under oath
majority opinion
an appellate opinion supporting the courts judgement which recieves a majority vote of the justices or judges hearing tha case
what is the job of an appeals court
to review decisions made in lower district courts
judicial review
the power of the supreme court to say whether aany federal, state or local law or government action goes against the constitution
a caseload of the court or judge. a list of legal causes to be tried
statements made under an oath
what is a “white collar” crime
a crime that involves stealing large sums of money thru fraudulent activities
a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later similar case
capital punishment
death by the state (electric chair, lethal injection, etc)
what is an example of a plea bargin
when you plea guilty to a lesser crime to avoid trial
what is jurisdiction
a courts authourity to hear and decide cases
what is a circut
a particular geographic area
concurrent jurisdiction
a case may be heard in wither state or federal courts
how many people must serve on a jury
30 to 80 people to serve on a jury
exclusive jurisdiction
a certian court only has the power to hear the case
federal magistrate
a person who’s job is to view evidence against a suspect to grand jury, to see if it has enough credibility to be taken to the grand jury