Judgement and Sentencing Flashcards
what are the features of a valid judgement
- It must be written before delivery
- The points for determination
- The decision of the court on points of determination
- The reasons for the decision of the court
- Contain the date and signature or seal of the judge or magistrate
Are magistrates required to record their judgement in writing?
245 CPL & 308(2) ACJA allow a magistrate to deliver oral judgement
268 CPCL & 275 ACJL prohibit a magistrate from delivering oral judgement
What is the effect of a judge delivering an oral judgement and subsequently reducing it into writing?
The judgement is held to be an oral judgement and therefore void, as the court becomes ‘functus officio’ once judgement is pronounced in open court
Unakalamba v COP
What does it mean for a judgement to contain the points for determination?
The judgement must reflect basic questions whose answers constitute the ingredients of the offence charged
What is the effect of the court’s failure to give reasons for its decision?
The decision will be quashed on appeal
John v State
What is the effect of failure to date and sign a judgement
It is an invalid judgement
Haruna v University of Agriculture
What is the time limit for delivery of judgement
The constitutional requirement is that judgement shall be delivered not later than 90 days after the conclusion of evidence and final addresses
S.294(1) CFRN
When will a final judgement be set aside?
It can only be set aside if it can be shown to have occasioned a miscarriage of justice
S. 294 (5) CFRN
Who delivers judgement in the High Court & Magistrate Court?
The judge or magistrate who heard the case from arraignment to sentencing
Can the judge deliver judgement if he is elevated or removed?
If the judge is replaced, elevated or removed then they cease to have jurisdiction and cannot deliver a valid judgement
How can another judge deliver the judgement of the previous judge in a case?
If the judgement has been written and signed it may be delivered by another judge or magistrate
S. 315 ACJA , S.281 ACJL, S251 CPL
What is the exception for elevated High Court Judge’s under ACJA?
The ACJA provides that where a High court judge has been elevated to the Court of Appeal he may continue to sit in the High Court to conclude an ongoing trial within reasonable time
In the court of appeal & Supreme Court do all the judges have to deliver individual judgements?
A Justice may adopt the judgement of his learned brother
Do all the Justices have to be present when the judgement is delivered?
It is not mandatory for all justices who heard the appeal to be present when the judgement is delivered
Can an accused be tried and convicted for an offence for which he was not charged
General rule is that the he can only be tried and convicted for an offence to which he has pleaded
he may be convicted of a lesser offence whose ingredients are subsumed in the greater offence ( S.236(1) ACJA)
where an accused is charged for a greater offence, he is deemed to have notice of the lesser offence
Nwachukwu v State
Can the court amend judgement after delivery?
The general rule is that, the court cannot do so, as a judge becomes functus officio once judgement is pronounced in open court
In the following instances amendment may be valid;
1. To correct clerical errors
2. To correct errors arising from accidental slip in judgement
3. To make the court’s intention plain
4. Where evidence shows that the accused cannot take sentence of caning
5. To discharge offender who has purged himself of contempt in facie curiae
What is allocutus?
It is a plea of mitigation or leniency which is granted to the accused after conviction but before sentencing.
What is the effect of allocutus on a mandatory sentence?
It has no effect on mandatory sentences
State v John
the court may recommend to the advisory council for the grant of the prerogative of mercy
What is the pre-requisite for the court to pass sentence?
It must return a verdict of guilty i.e. it must convict.
If conviction can neither be seen expressly or impliedly from the judgement before sentencing, such sentence would be a nullity
Oyediran v Republic, Queen v Fadina
How is sentence to be pronounced?
In court and in the presence of the accused
Where the court omits to pronounce sentence, such omission is an irregularity and not capable of vitiating proceedings
What does ACJA say regarding imposing maximum sentence on first time offenders?
A court shall not impose a maximum sentence on a first time offender
S.416(2)(d) ACJA
How is the death sentence pronounced under ACJA
Under ACJA it is pronounced:
“ The sentence of the court upon you is that you be hanged by the neck until you are dead or by lethal injection” S.402(2) ACJA
How is the death sentence pronounced under CPL
“The sentence of the court upon you is that you be hanged by the neck until you be dead, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul.”
S.367(2) CPL
How is the death sentence pronounced under ACJL
” The sentence of the court upon you is that you be hanged by the neck until you be dead and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Can a pregnant woman be sentenced to death?
Under s.368(2) CPL she shall be sentenced to life imprisonment and not death
Under S.404 ACJA the sentence shall be passed on her but it shall be suspended until the child is delivered and weaned
Can a child or young person be sentenced to death?
Under s.368(3)CPL the court shall order such person to be detained during the pleasure of the governor
Under s.405 ACJA the punishment is imprisonment for life or to any such term the court deems inappropriate ( the cut-off year under ACJA is 18 years)
When does a sentence take effect?
It takes effect from the day it was pronounced.
Death sentence does not take effect upon its pronouncement as the accused has a right to appeal
Where is the sentence of caning applicable?
In the southern (except Lagos) and Northern states
What are the restrictions on caning?
- Strokes of cane to be administered must not exceed 12 strokes.
- Female offenders cannot be canned.
- Men over the age of 45 years cannot be canned.
- A convict who has been given the death sentence cannot be canned.
What needs to be established before the convict is caned?
It must be established that the person is medically fit
What is Haddi-Lashing?
A form of caning that applies to only persons who are moslem, and is only applicable in the northern states