Judaism Vocab Flashcards
Hostility towards and prejudice against the Jews
The wooden chest that held the tablets inscribed with the 10 commandments
Ark of covenant
The religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy at the age of 13 and a Jewish girl at the age of 12. The term means son or daughter of the commandment
Bar/bat mitzvah
The idea that god chose the Jewish people to be the keepers of his covenant on earth. The concept “chosen” is reciprocal, meaning god chose humanity and humanity chose god
Chosen people
The cutting of the foreskin of the penis. Abraham and his family where the first to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant
Refers to the Jewish population living outside of Israel
As used in the bible; solemn and binding agreement between god and humanity
The significant event in which Moses led the Israelites out of the bondage in Egypt to freedom in the promised land. Means going out or departure
The process of converting to Judaism
An area of a city in which Jews were required to live. The first one was in Venice in 1516
The 8 day festival of lights, usually in December, to commemorate the rededication of the temple
The process of adopting Greek culture and language
A cabinet like structure in the synagogue that houses the Torah scrolls
Holy ark
A blessing recited when drinking wine that has been specially sanctified for sabbath or holy day
A small circular cap worn by Jewish males also known as a yarmulke
Fulfilling the requirements of the Jewish dietary laws of kashruth
A candlelabrum with 7 branches, used at home and in the synagogues on the sabbath and holidays
Means anointed one. The Jews hope that a great king will come to lead them
The quorum of ten men ( or men and women) over the age of 13 required for worship
Early rabbinic teaching la on how to live life according to the Torah
A commandment from god
Believing in one god
The Passover festival in spring commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
The area of Canaan that the hebrews believe was promised to them by god
Promised land
A Jewish scholar or teacher, especially if the law. a person appointed as a Jewish religious leader
The festival celebrating the Jewish new year
Rosh Hashanah
Ritual service and ceremonial dinner for the first night of Passover
The text of the five books of Moses, hand written on parchment. It is the most secret object of Jewish life and is essential for worship.
Sefer Torah
A period of seven day morning for the dead, which begins immediately after the funeral
A Hebrew term for the holocaust which means destruction
A trumpet made of Rams horn used in religious ceremonies
A figure consisting of two interlace equilateral triangles. It is used as a Jewish and Israeli symbol
Start of David
A place for congregation worship that emerged during the exile and became important in the period after the destruction of the temples in 586BCE and 70ce
A prayer shawl
The Jewish Bible, consisting of the Torah, (the law of Moses), the profits and the writings
Refers to the law of Moses, as well as the rest of the Hebrew scripture and the entire belief system of the Jewish faith. The word Torah translates to mean “teachings” or “instruction”
The remaining part of the wall of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem, where Jews, traditionally prayer and lament on Fridays
Western wall
The most solemn religious day of the Jewish year marked by fasting and prayers of repentance
Yom kippur
Of movement or originally for the reestablishment of Jewish nation and now for the development of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel